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 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2022-23 PRIMARY (FOUNDATIONAL SCHOOLS) - HIGH SCHOOLS  DOWNLOAD - All Classes Action Plan for Readiness programme

R.C.No. ESE02/396/2022-SCERT Date:25/06/2022

Sub: -School Education-SCERT-AP-Implementation of Academic Calendar and Plan for Readiness Programme-2022-23 –Orders Issued- Reg.

Ref:- Rc. No. 24/A&I/2022 Dated 23/4/2022 of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh

All the Regional Joint Directors of school education and the District Educational ofcers in the State are informed that the academic year 2022-23 will commence from 5th July -2022. Accordingly as per the
instructions of the Commissioner of School Education the SCERT-AP prepared the following types of Academic Calendars for the Academic year 2022-23. 

  1. Hanging calendar for Primary schools.
  2. Hanging Calendar for High Schools.
  3. Class wise Source books (5 Books) for 6 to 10th Class Which includes
  4. Class Specifc, Subject specifc and lesson specifc OOs and activities, Utilization of ICT resources etc. mapped with 21st century skills, English language development activities, Socio emotional earning, No Bag Day activities.
  5. Source Book for Classes 1st to 5th (1 BOOK) with Class Specifc, Subject specifc and lesson specifc OOs and activities, Utilization of Workbooks for Primary etc. mapped with 21st century skills, English language development activities, Socio emotional earning, No Bag Day activities.
  6.  Day- Wise suggested activities for Head teachers/ Teachers from 28/6/2022 to 5/7/2022.
  7.  Action Plan for Readiness programme for classes 1st to 5th for 6 Weeks and for Classes 6th to 9th for 4 Weeks
  8. Therefore all the Regional Joint Directors of school education and the District Educational ofcers in the State are requested to issue the necessary instructions to all the respective feld functionaries to ensure the efective implementation of the academic activities suggested in the academic calendar for the academic year 2022-23. Further they are requested to monitor the academic  activities for ensuring appropriate class specifc subject specifc learning outcomes among children.

AP ACADEMIC Calendar 2022-23 for Primary Schools DOWNLOAD

AP ACADEMIC Calendar 2022-23 for High Schools DOWNLOAD

Action Plan for Readiness programme for classes 1,2 DOWNLOAD  for 6 Weeks

Action Plan for Readiness programme for classes 3,4,5 DOWNLOAD for 6 Weeks

Action Plan for Readiness programme for classes 6,7,8,9 DOWNLOAD For 4 Weeks.

Day- Wise suggested activities for Head teachers/ Teachers from 28/6/2022 to 5/7/2022 DOWNLOAD


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