Training-DDOs Roles and Responsibilities-15th-16th Mar-2018-District Training Center, Guntur
District Training Center, Guntur –Training on “DDOs Roles and Responsibilities” on 15th & 16th Mar-2018 in District Training Center, Guntur - Deputation employees to participate in the trg.prog – Reg.
Ref:- ‘e’ mail.dt.08.03.18 received from the Director General, AP, HRDI, Bapatla.
I invite attention to the reference cited. As per the training schedule given by the Director General, A.P., HRDI, Bapatla the trg. namely “DDOs Roles and Responsibilities” will be conducted on 15th & 16th Mar – 2018 in District Training Center, Guntur. The duration of the training is from 10.30 AM to 05.00 PM with one hour lunch break from 01.00 PM to 02.00 PM. Working Lunch will be provided in the DTC itself.
The following topics will be covered in the 2 day trg. prog under Duties and Responsibilities of DDOs.
1) Financial Code & Treasury Code and Maintenance of Cash Books
2) Fundamental Rules
3) Conduct Rules & CCA Rules
4) AP Leave Rules & Pension Rules
Hence I request you to depute 4 to 5 employees from all cadres including DDOs from your office and also from your sub-ordinate offices to participate in the trg. programme namely “DDOs Roles and Responsibilities” scheduled on 15th & & 16th Mar-2018. The training will be started by 10.30 AM Sharp. Please furnish the names of the employees nominated for the training through E-Mail to the “Training Coordinator” DTC, Guntur by 13th March-2018. Cell.No.7702676276, 6281486804, Land Line (o) : 0863-2252170 Mail : [email protected].