10th-class-SSC Public Examinations-march-2020-Revised-due dates
It is notifred that the due dates for payment of examination fee has been revised and the following are the revised due dates for remittance of Examination fee for Regular, Private and Once failed candidates (Candidates failed in NEW PATTERN 2,017 to 2019) appearing for the SSC Public Examinations to be held in MARCH- 2020. The Heads of institutions of all recognized schools have to remit the Examination fee and fee for Vocational candidates by User Id and Password which is already given to thern for NR generation hosted in the website www.bseap.org and entire process has to be completed as per the time schedule given below.
The fee has to be remitted online duly following the user manual after generating the NR and confirming the data.
(l) If any of the above dates are declared as Public Holidays, the next immediate working day may be reckoned for the purpose.
(2) Due dates of remittance of Examination fee will not be extended further under any Circumstances.
The candidates belonging to Scheduled castes/ Scheduled tribes and Backwaid classes whom are appearing for SSC MARCH- 2020 for the first time as regular candidates and whose parental income does not exceed Rs.24,000/- per annuln in urban areas and Rs 20,000/- or land holding not exceeding 2.5 Acres wetland/5 acres dry land in rural areas are exempted from the payment of examinations fee. As such the Headmaster is requested to satisfy thbmselves about the Parental income by insisting upon a certificate issqed by the Mandal Revenue Officer (M.R.O) as per rules.