Jagananna Vidya Kanuka APP Latest Version Download - JVK ANDROID APP DOWNLOAD
Andhra Pradesh government has decided to start Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme 2020-21 for students. Under this scheme the state government will provide education kits to government school students. The government is launching this scheme so that the students of govt. schools can easily focus on their studies.
Under the Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme, the state government would provide kit to each student of class 1st to 10th in government schools.
School head master will login and he will select the class and the child to issue the kit and textbooks. Authentication of the mother / guardian will be taken while receiving the kit / textbooks using Fingerprint Authentication ( Biometric ) or IRIS. While issuing Textbooks, the titles that are being issued are to be crosschecked. Report for issued / pending children list are integrated in the application.
Jagananna Vidya Kanuka kit
- Bag
- Belt
- Shoes
- Socks
- Uniform
- Notebooks