HomeAP TEACHERS LATEST NEWS Survey on technology availability to students - REPORTS DASH BOARD LINK & 4th JUNE CONSOLIDATED EXCEL FILE Survey on technology availability to students - REPORTS DASH BOARD LINK & 4th JUNE CONSOLIDATED EXCEL FILE Admin Technology survey Class wise Consolidated report as on 4TH JUNE List EXCEL FILE DOWNLOAD CLICK BELOW https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m4PP54nmlP1EOOT5UdAZbInHlOlm5Z_4/view?usp=sharing Survey on technology availability to students - REPORTS DASH BOARD LINKhttps://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/8044c3c9-56af-43f3-972f-7eaebe0cb212/page/4LyLC Survey on technology availability to students - REPORTS DASH BOARD LINKhttps://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/8044c3c9-56af-43f3-972f-7eaebe0cb212/page/4LyLC Survey on technology availability to students GOOGLE FORM LINKhttps://forms.gle/unYL9nNUVc1tr3WV9 Tags AP TEACHERS LATEST NEWS Newer Older