Payment of honorarium to Sanatory Ayahs in all Govt., Schools / Junior colleges for Toilet maintenance - Release of amounts - Orders
Memo.No.ESE02-27021/38/2021 Dt: 15/09/2021
Sub: - Midday Meals & School Sanitation - Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF) Engagement of Ayahs in all Govt., Schools / Junior colleges for Toilet maintenance - Payment of honorarium - Release of amounts - Orders - Issued Regarding.
1. G.O.Ms.No.22 School Education (Prg-1) Department, dt.12-03-21
2. Director MDM & SS Memo No. ESE-02/21/7/2021-MDM-CSE dt:05/02/21
3. Memo.No.ESE02-27021/38/2021 Dt:05/07/2021
The attention of all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that, an amount of Rs.5. Cr is transferred initially to PD Account of each district towards (1) payment of Honorarium to Ayahs and, (II) for meeting the administrative charges @ 1% of the District Toilet Maintenance Fund as per GO 1st read above.
The District Educational Officers are instructed to pay the honorarium of Rs.6,000/- to Ayah per month from August 2021 duly following the procedure stipulated in the GO 1 read above and attendance of the concerned Ayahs. It is to be noted that, if there are no toilets in the school and Ayahs should not be engaged and no Honorarium should be paid to such schools.
Therefore, the District Educational Officers are instructed to get details of Ayahs engaged by the Government Schools / Junior Colleges & Welfare schools and payments have to be made accordingly.
This should be treated as urgent.
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