SCERT, A.P. – Formative Assessment-1 for the academic year 2021-22 – TIME TABLE - Certain guidelines
Rc.No. ESE02/567/2021-SCERT /2021 Dated: 14/10/2021
Sub: - School Education – SCERT, A.P. – Formative Assessment-1 for the academic year 2021-22 – Certain guidelines – Issued.
Ref:- 1. Memo. No: 151/A & I /2021 Dated 08.09.2021. 2. Academic Calendar for 2021-22. 3. This office proceedings Rc.No. ESE02/567/2021-SCERT /2021, dated 24.09.2021
In partial modifcation of the orders issued in the reference cited, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to the conduct of Formative Assessment -1 for classes 1 to 10 as per the schedule given below.
S.No | Activity | Date |
1 |
Conduct of FA-1 slip test | 21st to 25th October, 2021 covering two subjects per day i.e FN & AN |
2 | Valuation of answer scripts by teachers | 22nd to 26th October, 2021 |
3 | Scrutiny/random verifcation of the answer scripts and authenticity of valuation by Headmasters/MEOs in case of Government Schools, in case of aided schools and by Specially constituted teams in case of Private Unaided Schools and aided schools |
27th& 28th October, 2021 |
4 |
Uploading of marks | 29th October 2021 to 1st November, 2021 |
5 | Issuing progress cards to the parents | 1st November, 2021 |
6 | Preparation of class wise and subject wise lists of under-achievers and drawing up remedial coaching for them for November, 2021 | 1st November, 2021 |
Guidelines for conduct of FA 1 issued in the reference 3rd cited shall be followed scrumptiously. Additional guidelines along with timetable is annexed.
3. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to ensure the Formative Assessment is conducted as per the guidelines and time frame as suggested above and to ensure the 100% student marks entry in the school education portal within in the stipulated time without fail.
Additional guidelines:
- This time a common question paper will be prescribed by SCERT for all subjects , all classes and all managements
- FA1 tests shall be conducted as per the schedule given above
- The soft copy of the question paper pertaining to the subject concerned will be communicated to the headmasters through the concerned inspecting officers through Whatsapp one hour before the commencement of examination.
- The concerned inspecting officers shall disseminate the same to all the field functionaries.
- Headmasters shall ensure that question papers shall be displayed on green/black boards (first 15 minutes of scheduled time)
- SoP and COVID Protocol should be followed scrupulously during examination
- Evaluation of answer scripts by the teachers and by the third party, recording marks in central marks registers, distribution of progress cards, uploading of marks in web portal should be completed as per schedule.
- Remedial teaching shall be planned for identified slow learners performance in FA1 and shall ensure their seamless transition to the next level of learning.
- Evaluated answer scripts should be preserved for verification by the authorities.