Guidelines for Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsavto celebrate a special program on Netajii Subhash Chandra Bose - Certain instructions
Memo No SS-15021/14/2021-SAMO-SSA 20/10/2021
Sub: AP Samagra Shiksha-SIEMAT - Guidelines for Azad ka Amrit Manta to celebrate a special program on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose - Certain instructions Orders issued
Ref: D.O letter dated 8th October 2021 from the under secretary. Ministry of Education, DoSE&L, Gevornment of India
Ref 2: D.O letter dated 18m October, 2021 from the under secretary, Ministry of Education, DoSE&L, Government of India
The attention of all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State is invited to the references read above and informed that the Under Secretary to the Ministry of Education, DoSE&L, Government of India informed that Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav (AKAM) is an initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence of progressive India.
Further the Under Secretary, Government of India. Ministry of Education, DUSEAL so informed that the States and UTS are informed to celebrate special programs related to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose a part of Azadika-Amrit Mahostav (AKAM) on 21st October 2021, as this day commemorates the declaration of Provisional Government of Free India(INA Raising day)
Therefore all District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are here by requested to conduct AKAM activities on 21 October 2021, where in schools should play the song kadam kadam baday jai kushi ke geeth gaye yeh jindagi yeh quam ke, tu quam pe lootaye jai" along with the discussion on Subhash Chandra Bose and history of INA in school assemblies and Schools may encourage young students to participate in Azadi ka Senani initiative being nun on My Government Platform under the given link as (Azaadi-ke-senani-challenge) by ensuring the Covid-19 protocol while conducting AKAM activities
Further it is also requested to upload the documentation on AKAM activities (with photos/Videos on 21 October, 2021 to [email protected].