GVWV & VSWS Department Maternity leave for married women working in Village/Ward Secretariats - Clarification
Circular.No. 166/A/e-1214980 Dated: 17/11/2021
Sub : GVWV & VSWS Department -Maternity leave for married women working in Village/Ward Secretariats - Clarification for date of implementation Issued reg.,
Ref : l.G.O.RT.No. 4, GVWV & VSWS Department dated: 25-04-2020. 2.Rc.No: 3846/2021/WV&WS/ADC-1, dated: 07-04-2021 of the Commissioner, GVMC.
In the ref 1st cited, GVWV & VSWS Department has issued orders, by stating that " as per Rule 2 of A.P. Fundamental Rules, the Fundamental Rules, apply, subject to the provisions of Rule 3 to all Government Servants paid from the Consolidated Fund of the State and to any other Class of Government servants to which the Government may, by general or special order, declare them to be applicable. The Government may, in relation to the services under their administrative control other than All India Services make rules modifying or replacing any of the Fundamental Rules. As such the present proposal which is part and parcel of A.P. Leave Rules, 1933 (covers under Fundamental Rules) is equally applicable to the Married Women Employees working in the Village / Ward Secretariats".
In the ref 2nd cited the Commissioner GVMC has stated that, the District Treasury Officer, Vishakhapatnam has been telling that , G.O.RT.No 4 has been issued on 25-09-2020, hence the applicability will also be prospective from the date of issue of Government Orders i.e 25-09-2020. Due to this married women working in Village / Ward Secretariats who have
availed this leave before the issued date of G.O RT No: 4, in the ref 1st cited are unable to claim their salaries for that period. The District Treasury officer, Vishakhapatnam is not accepting any salary claims of married women working in Village / Ward Secretariats, who have availed Maternity Leave during the period which is before 25-09-2020. The District Treasury Officer, Vishakhapatnam suggested to obtain clarity from Government in this issue.
Government has issued clarification with the approval of the Principal Secretary to Government HR)] Fin U.O.No.FINOl-HROCRSR(LR)/46/HR.IVFR&LR/2021 Comp.No. 1219141 as follows:
"The GSWS Department is informed that the earlier views of this department is very clear and the same holds good, the employees of GV/WV & VS/WS Department are Government employees only; as was case with other department employees. All the rules in vogue are applicable to them also. As such issuing specific orders in this regard vide G.O.Rt.No.04, Dept., of GV/WV & VS/WS, Dt:25.09.2020 does not required and accordingly the question of clarification as requested above does not require. "
In view of above circumstances, all District Collectors, Joint Collectors (VWS & D), DLDOs, Municipal Commissioners, MPDOs and concerned line Departments are follow the clarification issued by the Finance Department for taking taking further action.