Jagananna Gorumudda (PM POSHAN) Scheme - Certain instructions issued on supply of Eggs and Chikkies to Schools
Memo. No ESE02-27021/77/2021-MDM-CSE, Date: 30.10.2021
Sub: School Education - Jagananna Gorumudda (PM POSHAN) Scheme - Certain instructions issued on supply of Eggs and Chikkies to Schools Issued - Regarding.
1.Proc.Rc.No.ESE02-27021/60/2020-MDM-CSE Dated:08.06.2020
2. Govt Memo No ESE02-27021/2020/MDM-CSE, Dated 31.07.2020
2. Proc Rc No.ESE02-27021/60/2020-MDM-CSE Dated:05.08.2020
2.Govt Memo No.ESE02-27021/160/MDM CSE, Dated: 26.11.2020
3.Govt, Memo No.ESE02-27023/176/2020-MDM-CSE, Dt:21.12.2020
4.Govt.Memo.No.ESE02-27023/176/2020-MDM-CSE, Dt01.12.2020.
5.Govt Memo No.ESE02-27023/2/2021-MDM-CSE, Dt 15.07.2021
The Attention of the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers is drawn to the fact that instructions have been issued frequently through official correspondence, Teleconferences, Video conferences, over phone and through whatsApp messages to monitor the implementation of Mid Day Meal like following of Menu, supply of Eggs, Chikkies through the app and dashboard. However, it is noticed through the dashboard as well as certain adversary news articles that the supply of Eggs and Chikkies is not proper in certain districts and the quality of the menu in certain schools is not up the mark
The Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers is very well aware that the Jagananna Gorumudda (PM POSHAN) Scheme is the top priority of the Government as it is directly linked to the physical and mental health of the students and their learning outcomes. The Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers are also aware that the Honorable Chief Minister has been reviewing the implementation of the Jagananna Gorumudda frequently. Inspite of this, it is observed that there is laxity in certain districts regarding the monitoring of Jagananna Gorumudda with regard to app updation, dashboard monitoring, following of menu and timely supply of Eggs and Chikkies.
Hence, the following instructions are given for effective monitoring the scheme.
All the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to field level functionaries for proper implementation of Jagananna Gorumudda, supply of Eggs and Chikkies, updation of all the modules in the app and dashboard
The daily menu should be followed scrupulously in all schools. MEOs
should monitor the implementation of Jagananna Gorumudda through the
dashboard regarding attendance of students, following of menu, supply of
Eggs and Chikkis in time and other aspects in their respective mandals
and like wise the DEOS and RIDSES to monitor the performance in their
2. The details of Eggs and Chikkis received should be
entered invariably in the IMMS app so that the supply can be monitored
through dashboard and delay in supply can be identified and action can
be taken.
3. Instructed to confirm the honorarium of cook cum
helpers and cooking costs by 3 of every month so that the bills can be
updated to CFM5 in time.
4. To speed up bills for Egg and chikki Suppliers.
To identify the schools where eggs and chikkis were not supplied or not
supplied in time (eggs to be supplied every 10 days and Chikkis to be
supplied every 15 days) for imposing penalty on the defaulters to
supplying in time and blacklisting of serial defaulters from enter
future tenders/supply.
6. Egg and chikki Suppliers should submit
route map of vehicles in advance to District Educational Officer,
Assistant Director(MDM) and MEOS to proper monitoring of the supply.
7. MEOs should visit 2 schools daily for checking Jagananna Gorumudda.
8. Whatsapp group of MEOS and contractors to be created by District Educational Officer for monitoring eggs and chikkis supply,
9. Education and Welfare Assistants have to inspect schools as per schedule and update the Google forms proforma.
10.MEOs shall form a whatsapp group for EWAS for monitoring and getting feedback.
11.DEOs should form teams to inspect the godowns of Eggs and Chikkies to verify the quality and quantity every week.
Further, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education District Educational Officers in the state are requested to take necessary action to rectify the shortcomings and ensure the following of the instructions given from the Government and Directorate Mid Day Meal, given from time to time.
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