Policy for Surrender of Willing Private Aided Educational Institutions in the State to Government - Clarification and Certain Instructions
Policy for Surrender of Willing Private Aided Educational Institutions in the State to Government - Clarification and Certain Instructions
Cir.Memo.No.1072635 /CE/A1/2020 Dated:12.11.2021
Sub: Education - Policy for Surrender of Willing Private Aided Educational Institutions in the State to Government - Clarification and Certain Instructions - Issued - reg.
1.GO.Ms.No.42, Higher Education (CE) Department, dt:10.08. 2021
2.GO.Ms.No.50, School Education (PS) Department, dt 17.08. 2021
3.GO.Ms.No.51, School Education (IE) Department, dt: 17.08. 2021
4.GO.Ms. No.19, Skills Development &Training (TE) Dept.,dt: 23.09.2021
Vide the GOs cited 1st to 4th, the Government issued a policy for facilitating the surrender of willing private aided educational institutions in the category of Degree Colleges, Schools, Junior Colleges and Polytechnics: respectively.
As per the policy, the willing Private Aided Educational Institutions can surrender the entire institution along with assets and the existing staff voluntarily which will make the institutions as Government Educational Institutions without any liabilities and financial burden on the exchequer OR surrender the aid voluntarily in the form of surrendering all the duly sanctioned aided posts along with aided staff, but not the assets, which will make the institutions as Private Unaided Educational Institutions.
In this regard, the Government has received an overwhelming response for the policy and accordingly, 68.78% of the 2249 private aided educational institutions, that are functional as on the date of issuance of the policy, have given their willingness voluntarily choosing one of the two options and 6600+ staff (teaching and non-teaching) have reported to Government for absorption.
Additionally, the institutions whose managements have not chosen either of the options or not responded or submitted unwillingness for takeover in either form have been continued to exist as aided institutions. In fact, 702 such aided institutions have remained to exist as aided institutions. Thus, it is evident that there is no coercion on the institutions in any manner. and the entire process is voluntary.
In this regard, after careful examination of the matter in order to clarify the spirit of the policy, the Government hereby provide another opportunity for those institutions, who want to reconsider the option given earlier or those who have not responded earlier, to exercise their options: choosing one of the following at the earliest so that the Government can take further necessary action in the matter without any delay:
Option1: Willingness to voluntarily surrender the entire institution along with assets and the existing staff which will make the institutions as Government Educational Institutions without any liabilities and financial burden on the exchequer.
Option 2: Willingness to voluntarily surrender the aid in the form of surrendering all the duly sanctioned aided posts along with aided staff, but not the assets, which will make the institutions as Private Unaided Educational Institutions.
Option 3: Unwillingness to Option 1 and Option 2 and thereby continue to exist as a Private Aided Educational Institution as per the existing rules, regulations, grant-in-aid code etc.
Option 4: Withdrawing the willingness given earlier to either Option 1 or Option 2 and thereby to take back the surrendered staff and run the institution as a Private Aided Educational Institutions per the existing rules, regulations, grant-in-aid code etc.
In this regard, the Director of School Education, Commissioners of Intermediate Education, Collegiate Education and Technical Education are requested to take further necessary action.