SSC / OSSC Public Examinations March 2020 & June 2021 - Dispatch of Pass certificates - Instructions
AP 10th Class SSC / OSSC Public Exams March 2020 June 2021 - Original Pass certificates Original Marks Lists
Rc.No. GE-EXAMSOSSC(INST)/04/2021-DGE, Dated: .12.2021
Sub:- SSC / OSSC Public Examinations March 2020 & June 2021 - Dispatch of Pass certificates - Instructions - Issued.
Secondary School Certificates along with photo scanned (Pass-cum Marks)
relating to the passed candidates of your School who appeared for SSC /
OSSC Public Examinations, held in March, 2020 & June 2021 are sent
herewith along with the Annexure showing the details, by Speed Post. The
receipt of the above SSC Pass Certificates along with the Annexure
should be acknowledged within three days from the date of receiving the
certificates duly furnishing the Roll numbers of candidates whose
certificates have not been received if any, with reference to the online
applications submitted by you, so that the same may arranged to be sent
to you. The acknowledgement should be furnished to this office in the
Proforma appended to the name address of the Additional Joint Secretary
The following instructions should be strictly adhered-to, before issuing the Certificates to the candidates:
- The entries relating to the personal marks of identification in the SSC's have also been got printed by the computer to the extent furnished in the online application of respective candidates. These entries should invariably be checked by the concerned Heads of the Institutions carefully with reference to the entries made in the school admission register before issuing the certificates to the candidates. He/ She should be also sign underneath the certificate on the left-hand side, duly affixing designation stamp without fail.
- If there is any omission in the entries relating to the date of birth or Father's name, Mother Name and Candidates name the certificate may be. returned to this office along with a certified extract of the Admission
- Register showing the date of birth, etc. simultaneously for supplying the omissions, similarly if there are any serious errors in date of birth like 29 2-1997, 31-4-1997 or 31-11-1997 etc., which do not exist as per the calendar and as such the certificates with such discrepancies should not be delivered to the candidates. In all such cases the correct date of birth should be ascertained and certificates may be returned together with extracts of admission registers and declaration of the parents in original, for taking further action, duly enclosing original evidential records for the same.
- On receipt of unconcerned S.S.Cs, O.S.S.Cs, of the candidates who do not belong to your School, they should be returned to the name address of the Additional Secretary concerned immediately by registered post with Acknowledgement due with a separate covering letter addressed to the concerned Officer.
- Pass Certificates are to be verified with G.O.Ms.No. 14 School Education (Prog.II) Department.,dt. 31-01-2019 for the categories mentioned in brackets. (PH-I & PH -II candidates, 20% is the pass marks for all the subjects and the student should compulsorily get minimum of 16 marks in each subject in the External Exam, PH-IV candidates are exempted from appearing for 3rd Language English, For PH -IV a concession of 20 (Twenty) Marks for Single subject or 20 (twenty) marks divided totally among all subjects would be given to a student who do not get minimum qualifying Marks in his/her examinations, For PH-V, PH - VI and PH -VII Candidates, 10 % is the pass marks for all the subjects and the student should compulsorily get minimum of 8 marks in each subject in the External Exam. PH-III (Orthopedically Challenged) & PH -VIII (Low Vision) Candidates are treated on par with the General Candidates, return the Secondary School Certificates of such candidates which were found not correct w.r.t said G.O for revising and issuing fresh certificates.)
- Before issuing certificates the Headmasters have to verify whether the under aged candidates have been accorded condonation of age to the extent required by the competent authority, if not the certificates of the candidates may be retained with them and after obtaining proper orders of condonation of age only issue the Certificates / Memos to the concerned.
Names of the Officers to whom, Correspondence with regard to the Certificates, Memorandum of Marks has to be made is as follows:
A copy of the Rules of eligibility is appended to this letter for
information. The Headmaster is requested to verify whether all the Pass
Certificates are in accordance with the Rules of Eligibility. The Heads
of Institutions will be held personally responsible for any deviations
from the above instructions and stern disciplinary action will be taken
against the defaulters, as per the orders laid down in the Act 25 of
1997 i.e., Prevention of Malpractices Act.