Giving priority to the Visually Challenged (Blind) teachers during promotion counseling as pro-disability policy - Permission accorded Orders
Ref: 1. From the President, Welfare Association of Visually Handicapped, Eluru, representation dated:27.10.2021.
2. From the CSE, Lr.Rc.No.13021/7/2019-EST 3-CSE-Part(2), Dt:20/12/2021
In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner of School Education, in the reference 2nd cited, Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby accord permission for giving priority toODOWNLOAD PROCEEDINGS
the Visually Challenged (Blind) teachers during promotion counseling as pro-disability policy and also in extension of the facility provided to 100% Blind Teachers during general transfer counseling.
He is therefore, accordingly, in the matter. requested to take further necessary action.