PRABANDH - Portal Schools Upload Photographs of Quality interventions Memo 15022
Memo No. SS-15022/7/APSIEMAT/2021, dt.01/12/2021 PRABANDH - Portal Schools Upload Photographs of Quality interventions Memo 15022 AP SS- SIEMAT- upload the good quality photographs of the quality interventions by the user Login Id and password already available for PRABANDH portal-instructions- issued.
Sub: AP SS- SIEMAT- upload the good quality photographs of the quality interventions by the user Login Id and password already available for PRABANDH portal-instructions- issued.
D.O.No.18-4/2020-IS-6, dt.25th Nov’2021 of the Joint Secretary(SS-II),
Dept.of School Education& Literacy, Shastry Bhavan, New Delhi.
All the District Educational Officers & Ex-OfficioProject Co-ordinators, and all the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that, the DoES&L, New Delhi has communicated the guidelines for schools, towards uploading the photographs under diferent interventions on PRABANDH portal for implementation and to monitor the physical progress(monthly). In this connection the State is using the system regularly and updating the progress through the website on a monthly basis. The system also enable login for schools, Mandal and District level to capture the physical progress for the components approved under Samagra Shisha.
It is informed that for more effectively track the progress in different interventions, a module has been started at DoSE & L, New Delhi. The Schools can directly upload “One photograph of each intervention” of the following 11 qualitative interventions by the user Login Id and password already available with schools, Mandals, Districts for PRABANDH portal.
1) Library/Digital Library
2) ICT Labs/Smart Classroom
3) Sports Equipment
4) Girls Toilet
5) Boys Toilet
6) Free Textbooks
7) Drinking Water Facility
8) Teaching Learning Material
9) Teaching Resource Material
10) Aids & Appliances
11) Self Defense training for girls.All District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and all the Addl. Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha are hereby requested to instruct the Schools of their respective districts to upload the good quality photographs on above interventions. The detailed guidelines is hereby enclosed. The helpline / Assistance E-mail to [email protected] which communicated by the DoSE& L, New Delhi is also given for necessary action.
They are further informed that an orientation is being planned in A.P S.S with all Additional Project Coordinators, AMOs, MIS Co-ordinators & Planning Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha through virtual mode to explain on how to upload photos in PRABANDH portal at school, Mandal and District level.
Guideline for Schools for uploading the photographs under different Intervention PRABANDH Portal
1. Library Grants
The photo should comprise the library room with the Children of the school alongwith books received from Samagra Shiksha Project.
2. 1CT/ SMART Classroom
The photo should comprise of the ICT Lab / SMART Classroom (if available) in a school with student using the Computer device or the teacher using the SMART device in classroom for teaching.
3. Sports Grant
The photo should comprise of the sports equipment available in the School/ Children playing with the sports equipment/ Sports Equipment purchased using Sports Grants received from Samagra Shiksha Project.
4. Free Text Book
The photo should comprise of the Children receiving the Free Text Books provided under Samagra Shiksha Project (if possible, the photo should cover the school building with the name of the School)
5. Girls Toilet
The photo should cover the Inside view of the Girls toilet available in the school.6. Boys Toilet
The photo should cover the Inside view of the boys toilet available in the school.
7. Water
The photo should cover the Water facility available in the school (if possible, cOver the water the photo must purifier along with the Students, if available in the school)
8. Teaching Learning Material (TLM)
The photograph of TLM should be creative, relevant, informative and attractive to the students and it should also reflect the involvement of the teacher and students in preparing the TLM.
9. Teaching Resource Material (TRM)
The photograph of Teacher Resource Material should be innovative, subject specific and are useful for teaching learning process and it should also reflect the use of TRM in classroom.
10. Aids & Appliances
The photo should cover the Children with special needs receiving the Aids & Appliances provided under Samagra Shiksha
11. Self-Defense for Girls The photo should reflect the training of self-defense, instruction by the trainer and the practice by the students in the school.
Dept.of School Education& Literacy, Shastry Bhavan, New Delhi.
All the District Educational Officers & Ex-OfficioProject Co-ordinators, and all the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that, the DoES&L, New Delhi has communicated the guidelines for schools, towards uploading the photographs under diferent interventions on PRABANDH portal for implementation and to monitor the physical progress(monthly). In this connection the State is using the system regularly and updating the progress through the website on a monthly basis. The system also enable login for schools, Mandal and District level to capture the physical progress for the components approved under Samagra Shisha.
It is informed that for more effectively track the progress in different interventions, a module has been started at DoSE & L, New Delhi. The Schools can directly upload “One photograph of each intervention” of the following 11 qualitative interventions by the user Login Id and password already available with schools, Mandals, Districts for PRABANDH portal.
1) Library/Digital Library
2) ICT Labs/Smart Classroom
3) Sports Equipment
4) Girls Toilet
5) Boys Toilet
6) Free Textbooks
7) Drinking Water Facility
8) Teaching Learning Material
9) Teaching Resource Material
10) Aids & Appliances
11) Self Defense training for girls.All District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and all the Addl. Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha are hereby requested to instruct the Schools of their respective districts to upload the good quality photographs on above interventions. The detailed guidelines is hereby enclosed. The helpline / Assistance E-mail to [email protected] which communicated by the DoSE& L, New Delhi is also given for necessary action.
They are further informed that an orientation is being planned in A.P S.S with all Additional Project Coordinators, AMOs, MIS Co-ordinators & Planning Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha through virtual mode to explain on how to upload photos in PRABANDH portal at school, Mandal and District level.
Guideline for Schools for uploading the photographs under different Intervention PRABANDH Portal
1. Library Grants
The photo should comprise the library room with the Children of the school alongwith books received from Samagra Shiksha Project.
2. 1CT/ SMART Classroom
The photo should comprise of the ICT Lab / SMART Classroom (if available) in a school with student using the Computer device or the teacher using the SMART device in classroom for teaching.
3. Sports Grant
The photo should comprise of the sports equipment available in the School/ Children playing with the sports equipment/ Sports Equipment purchased using Sports Grants received from Samagra Shiksha Project.
4. Free Text Book
The photo should comprise of the Children receiving the Free Text Books provided under Samagra Shiksha Project (if possible, the photo should cover the school building with the name of the School)
5. Girls Toilet
The photo should cover the Inside view of the Girls toilet available in the school.6. Boys Toilet
The photo should cover the Inside view of the boys toilet available in the school.
7. Water
The photo should cover the Water facility available in the school (if possible, cOver the water the photo must purifier along with the Students, if available in the school)
8. Teaching Learning Material (TLM)
The photograph of TLM should be creative, relevant, informative and attractive to the students and it should also reflect the involvement of the teacher and students in preparing the TLM.
9. Teaching Resource Material (TRM)
The photograph of Teacher Resource Material should be innovative, subject specific and are useful for teaching learning process and it should also reflect the use of TRM in classroom.
10. Aids & Appliances
The photo should cover the Children with special needs receiving the Aids & Appliances provided under Samagra Shiksha
11. Self-Defense for Girls The photo should reflect the training of self-defense, instruction by the trainer and the practice by the students in the school.