Date: 23-12-2021 Time: 3.00 P.M.
Venue:: Hon'ble C.S. Conference Hall 1st Block, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi
Minutes of CS Meeting with School Edn Department Officials - Proposal for Three types of Schools in AP
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary to Govt., Andhra Pradesh State convened a review meeting with the Principal Secretary to Govt., School Education Department, State Project Director, Samagra Siksha, Sri A. Murali, Advisor, Manabadi Nadu-Nedu Programme and Other Senior Officers of School Education Department to discuss on issues related to School Education Department. The list of participants have attended the meeting are shown in the Annexure.
The Principal Secretary made a power point presentation in the review meeting and explained the vision of Govt. to transform the education eco system by investing in child centric interventions along the entire canvas of the education value-chain to improve the learning outcomes, with specific focus on foundation literacy and numeracy to make child globally competitive and also explained the key areas of the School Education i.e.,
1) Early Childhood Care & Education,
2) Foundation Literacy,
3) Curtaining dropout rates and ensuring universal access,
4) Curriculum and Pedagogy in schools,
5) Teachers
6) Equitable and inclusive education (Learning for all)
7) Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through school complexes,
8) Regulation and Accreditation etc.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has discussed various issues pertains to School Education Department with concerned officers and given certain valuable directions /suggestions. The details are as follows:
1) Satellite Foundation Schools,
2) Foundational Schools,
3) Foundational Plus Schools,
4) Pre-High Schools,
5) High Schools and
6) High Schools Plus.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has suggested the Department to think about categorizing into 3 types of schools instead of 6 types of schools in the proposed new education system in the State.
2. Assessment of Teachers Performance:
Due to pending of Court Cases in the various Hon'ble Courts on Unified Service Rules, the department is unable to fill up vacant posts of Dy. Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers, which leads of lack supervision and monitor the schools.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has directed the Department to ensure some mechanism to assess the performance of teachers and take feedback from Parents and Students on the Teacher Performance for classes I to V and Class VI to X respectively.
3. e-Office:
The Principal Secretary made a power point presentation in the review meeting and explained the vision of Govt. to transform the education eco system by investing in child centric interventions along the entire canvas of the education value-chain to improve the learning outcomes, with specific focus on foundation literacy and numeracy to make child globally competitive and also explained the key areas of the School Education i.e.,
1) Early Childhood Care & Education,
2) Foundation Literacy,
3) Curtaining dropout rates and ensuring universal access,
4) Curriculum and Pedagogy in schools,
5) Teachers
6) Equitable and inclusive education (Learning for all)
7) Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through school complexes,
8) Regulation and Accreditation etc.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has discussed various issues pertains to School Education Department with concerned officers and given certain valuable directions /suggestions. The details are as follows:
1. Academic & Administrative Reforms: The School Education
Department has proposed 6 types of schools as per the directions of the Hon'ble Chief Minister, A.P as a part of Academic and Administrative reforms keeping in view of NEP, 2020 i.e.,1) Satellite Foundation Schools,
2) Foundational Schools,
3) Foundational Plus Schools,
4) Pre-High Schools,
5) High Schools and
6) High Schools Plus.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has suggested the Department to think about categorizing into 3 types of schools instead of 6 types of schools in the proposed new education system in the State.
(Action:: Director, SCERT)
2. Assessment of Teachers Performance:
Due to pending of Court Cases in the various Hon'ble Courts on Unified Service Rules, the department is unable to fill up vacant posts of Dy. Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers, which leads of lack supervision and monitor the schools.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has directed the Department to ensure some mechanism to assess the performance of teachers and take feedback from Parents and Students on the Teacher Performance for classes I to V and Class VI to X respectively.
(Action :: Director, SCERT)
3. e-Office:
In School Education, at present 99% files are being run in e-office in the Head of the Department and 75% files are processed through e-office at district level.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has directed to ensure all files should process through e-office only in a transparent manner.
4. NCC and Scouts:
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has directed to ensure all files should process through e-office only in a transparent manner.
(Action:: Joint Director (IT)
4. NCC and Scouts:
The aim of the projects of the NCC, Scouts & Guides to develop Nationality, Integrity, Service to Society and public and the students. The said projects are being implemented only in some extent of schools under all management Schools in A.P. State. There is every need to cover the NCC, Scouts & Guides in all Management schools in the State.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has advised the School Education Department to add 5 marks to the students, who are members in NCC/Scouts & Guides in the final examinations to encourage the students to participate in the activities of NCC, Scouts & Guides in the State. A detailed proposal needs to be submitted to Govt. for obtaining the orders in this regard.
5. Court Cases:
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has advised the School Education Department to add 5 marks to the students, who are members in NCC/Scouts & Guides in the final examinations to encourage the students to participate in the activities of NCC, Scouts & Guides in the State. A detailed proposal needs to be submitted to Govt. for obtaining the orders in this regard.
(Action :: NCCI Scouts Wing, 0/0. CSE, A.P.)
There are large no. of contempt cases and W.Ps are pending in the Hon'ble High Court. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P., has already appointed Director cadre officer to monitor all court cases from time to time with field level functionaries and Government Pleaders concerned.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has directed to monitor all Court Cases (CCS/WPs etc.,) in School Education Department and take necessary action strictly within the prescribed time to avoid legal complications.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has directed to monitor all Court Cases (CCS/WPs etc.,) in School Education Department and take necessary action strictly within the prescribed time to avoid legal complications.
(Action:: Director, Co-ordination)
6. Examination & Evaluation: Due to Global Pandemic (COVID-19), Examinations were not conducted for past two years i.e, A.Y 2019-20 & 2020-21 to assess the learning outcomes of the children. Further, the schools are re-opened in a phased manner during the A.Y 2020 21 and ensured instructional hours as per the Academic Calendar prepared by the State Academic Authority (SCERT., A.P).
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has directed that the academic instructions should not be disturbed due to COVID-19 Pandemic and new variant of Omicron and ensure teaching to students and continuous learning through the available means.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has directed that the academic instructions should not be disturbed due to COVID-19 Pandemic and new variant of Omicron and ensure teaching to students and continuous learning through the available means.
(Action :: Director, SCERT/DGE)
7. Grievances / Demands:
Large no. of demands / grievances are being received in the O/o. Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Vijayawada from Teachers Associations, Teachers, Parents, etc., on various subjects. It is very difficult to attend those large no.of grievances and for disposal due to meagre clerical staff in O/O.CSE., A.P.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has suggested to establish a Command Control Centre at 0/0.CSE., A.P to attend all types of grievances and for disposal in a timely manner.
The Hon'ble Chief Secretary has suggested to establish a Command Control Centre at 0/0.CSE., A.P to attend all types of grievances and for disposal in a timely manner.