Government Employees - Revised Pay Scales 2022-Comprehensive - Orders G.O.Ms.No.1, dt:17.01.2022.
AP 11th PRC 2022 Revised Pay Scales GO 1 AP PRC 2022 GO 1 AP PRC Fitment 23% GO AP PRC New DA Regulation GO 1 AP PRC Complete Orders AP Government Employees - Revised Pay Scales 2022 - Comprehensive Orders - Issued. FINANCE (PC-TA) DEPARTMENT G.O. Ms. No. 1 Dated: 17-01-2022 AP PRC 2022 Main GO 1 AP PRC Fitment 23% GO AP PRC New DA Regulation GO 1 AP PRC Complete Orders. AP PRC 2022 11th PRC Complete Fitment 23% Fixation GO and DA Rates Regulation, New HRA Rates formulation GO. AP PRC MAIN GO GO MS NO 1 AP Government Employees - Revised Pay Scales 2022-Comprehensive - Orders - Issued (G.O.Ms.No.1, Finance (PC-TA) Department, dt:17.01.2022
These rules shall apply to all Government employees whether temporary, regular or permanent appointed before July 01, 2018.
- PRC 2022 w.e.f 01.07.2018
- Notional: 01.07.2018 to 31.03.2020
- Monetary Benefit from 01.04.2020
- Cash paid with January 2022 Salaries paid in February 2022
AP PRC 2022 GO 1 AP PRC Fitment 23% GO AP PRC New DA Regulation GO 1 AP PRC Complete Orders. Public Services - Government Employees - Revised Pay Scales 2022 - Comprehensive Orders - Issued.
- The Government of Andhra Pradesh has constituted the 11th Pay Revision Commission (PRC), vide the G.O. Ms. No.75, General Administration (SC-A), Department, dated 28-05-2018 with detailed terms of reference relating to the pay and emoluments of employees and pensioners.
- 2. Subsequently, the Government, vide the G.O.Rt.No.566, General Administration (SC.A) Department, dated 17-03-2020 have entrusted additional term of reference relating to the employees of Public Transport Department ( formerly APSRTC ) to the 11th Pay Revision Commission.
- 3. The Pay Revision Commission has submitted its report to the Government on 5th October, 2020.
- 4. In the G.O.Ms.No.22, Finance (PC -TA) Department, dated 01-04-2021, the Government have constituted a Committee of Secretaries to examine the recommendations of the 11th PRC.
- 5. Government, after careful examination of
- i) the Report of 11th Pay Revision commission,
- ii) the Report of Committee of Secretaries headed by the Chief Secretary, and i
- ii) the series of meetings with members of the Joint Staff Council (ISC) held on 14-10-2021, 18-10-2021, 21-10-2021, 22-10-2021, 26-10-2021, 01-112021, 3-11-2021, 8-12-2021, 22-12-2021, 28-12-2021, 30-12-2021 and 06-01-2022, hereby issue the following comprehensive orders regarding the recommendations of the 11th PRC relating to the Government employees.
AP PRC 2022 Fitment and Master Scales
The Government, with a view to promote the welfare of the employees & to reinforce their commitment to the development of the State of Andhra Pradesh, hereby grant a fitment of 23% of the basic pay for fixing the pay in the Revised Scales of Pay 2022, as against a fitment of 14.29% recommended by the Committee of Secretaries.
The Dearness Allowance of 30.392% as on 01-07-2018 would be merged in the pay as recommended by the 11th Pay Revision Commission.
6.4. The Revised Master Scale shall have 32 grades, as they are segments of the revised Master Scale. The Revised Scales of Pay are attached as Schedule I to the Notification appended to this order.
The Interim Relief (IR) shall not be included as Pay for the purpose of fixation in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022.
The Revised Scales of Pay will be implemented notionally from 01-07-2018 with monetary benefit from 01-04-2020.
The benefit of the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 would be paid in cash from the salary of the month of January, 2022 6.8. The Government hereby order that the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 shall apply to the following:
Employees of the State Government.
of Local Bodies & Aided Institutions including Aided Polytechnics,
who are in receipt of pay in regular pay scale in the Scales of Pay of
2015; and The Work-charged establishment in receipt of pay in regular
pay scale in the Scales of Pay, 2015.
Further Government orders that the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 shall not apply to the following:
& other staff in Government Colleges, including Medical Colleges,
& Government Aided Private Colleges, drawing pay in the Andhra
Pradesh Revised UGC/ICAR/AICTE Pay Scales; Officers of the Andhra
Pradesh Higher Judicial Service and Andhra Pradesh State Judicial
Service, governed by the First National Judicial Pay Commission and
subsequent pay revisions; Members of All India Services (AIS);
Persons re-employed before July 01 ,2018 & continuing on re-employment beyond that date; and Separate orders will be issued with regard to application of Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 to Officers and Staff of the High Court of the Judicature of Andhra Pradesh.
6.11. The fixation of pay of all eligible employees shall be made & claims for arrears of pay in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 shall be processed through the new HRM software deployed by the APCFSS.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules, namely,
1. Short title, commencement and application:
(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2022.
(3) These rules shall apply to all Government employees whether temporary, regular or permanent appointed before July 01, 2018.
2. Definitions:
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires
pay" means pay as defined in Rule 9(21) (a) (i) of the Fundamental
Rules. (2) "Existing emoluments" means the aggregate of:
(i) the basic pay including the stagnation increments if any, in the existing scale of pay as on July 01,2018;
(iii) personal pay sanctioned in pursuance of proviso (iii) under rule 6 (b) of the Andhra Pradesh Revised Scales of Pay, 2010 to the extent such personal pay has not been absorbed in increases in pay on promotion till the date of entry into the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022.
b) Dearness allowance admissible at the rate which existed on July 01, 2018 appropriate to the basic pay referred to in sub-rule(2)(a)(i); (3) "Existing scale of pay" means the Revised Scales of Pay, 2015; (4) “Revised Scales of Pay, 2022" means the Revised Scales of Pay set out in column (4) in Schedule-l.
3. Revised Scales of Pay, 2022:
- (1) Except as otherwise provided in sub-rule-(2), the existing scales of pay specified in column (2) of Schedule-1, shall be revised as specified in the corresponding entry in column (4) of the said schedule.
- (2) The Departments should adopt the corresponding Revised Scales of 2022, with respect to Revised Scales of Pay, 2015 (Schedule Il of G.O.Ms. No. 46, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department, dated 30-04-2015) for all posts of their Department.
No Government employee who enters the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 shall be entitled to any monetary benefit for any period prior to 01-04-2020.
5. Fixation of pay in the Revised Scales of Pay of 2022:
The pay of an employee in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022, shall be fixed with effect from July 01, 2018
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Fundamental Rules, the principles which govern the fixation of pay of a Government employee in the relevant pay scale in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 shall be as follows:
- (a) An amount representing Twenty Three percent (23%) of the Basic Pay referred to in Rule 2(2)(a)(i) above, be added to the existing emoluments referred to in rule 2 above;
- After the existing emoluments are increased as required by clause (a), the pay shall be fixed in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022, at the stage immediately above the existing emoluments.
(i) If the amount of the existing emoluments increased under clause(a) is less than the minimum of the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of that scale; if the amount of the existing emoluments increased under clause (a) is more than the maximum of the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022, the pay shall be fixed at the maximum of that scale, & the difference shall be treated as Personal Pay to be absorbed in future rises of pay. If the same is not absorbed, it shall be paid till the date of cessation of duties.
(c) The short fall, if any, in the sum total of pay and other allowances in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 compared to the pay and other allowances in the existing scale shall be allowed as Personal Pay to be absorbed in future increases.
(d) (i) A Government employee who is on leave without leave salary on July 01, 2018, is entitled to get the pay fixed with effect from the date of entry into the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 & he shall be entitled for monetary benefit from the date of assumption of duty or 01-04-2020, whichever is later.
Where an employee is covered by an order of stoppage of increments without cumulative effect on the date of entry into the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022, during which the orders imposing the penalty of stoppage of increment is operative, his pay shall be fixed in the following manner:
based on the actual pay drawn by him on the date of entry into the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022; and
II. based on the presumptive pay, that is, the pay which he would have drawn on the date of entry into the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 but for stoppage of the increments. He shall draw the pay as fixed under clause (1) above based on the pay drawn by him on that date of entry into the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 until the expiry of the period during which the order imposing the penalty of stoppage of increments is operative and the pay as fixed in clause (ii) above on the presumptive pay after the expiry of the period covered by the stoppage of increments. The principles of fixation of pay laid in this rule shall apply to substantive, officiating and temporary holders of Government posts.
(f) Date of next increment in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022: The next increment of a Government employee whose pay in the Revised Scales of Pay of 2022 is fixed on July 01,2018 in accordance with the principles specified in rule 6 shall be on the date on which he would have drawn his increment had he continued in the existing scale of pay. Provided that
- (i) In the case of employee whose pay in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 is fixed on July 01, 2018 at the same stage as that fixed for another Government employee junior to him in the same cadre, and drawing pay at a lower stage than his pay in the existing scale of pay, prior to that date, the next increment shall be deemed to have accrued on the same date as admissible to his junior, if the date of increment of the junior is earlier.
- (ii) In the case of Government employee who has reached maximum of the pre revised scale and has exhausted all the stagnation increments beyond the maximum of the time scale and stagnated for less than one year on July 01,2018, the next increment shall be allowed on completion of one year from the date on which he has reached that stage;
- (iii) In the case of Government employee who has reached maximum of the pre revised scale and has exhausted all the stagnation increments beyond the maximum of the scale and stagnated for more than one year on July 01, 2018, the next increment shall be allowed on July 01, 2018.
If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of these rules, the Government may by order make such provisions or give such directions as appear to them to be necessary for removing the difficulty.
9. Effect of other Rules:
(1) No rules made or deemed to have been made under proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution shall, in so far as those are inconsistent with any of the provisions of these rules, have any effect. (2) Save as otherwise provided in these rules, these rules shall be in addition to any other rules made or deemed to have been made under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution.
. Any pay fixation/s made contrary to the above Rules are liable for the appropriate revision of the pay/s and the excess amount paid thereon shall be recovered from the salaries of the concerned DDOS / Treasury Officers without any notice.
AP 11th PRC 2022 Payment of Arrears:
The pay fixation arrears on account of the pay revision shall be calculated duly preparing a due-drawn statement from April 2020 to December 2021 and shall be paid along with DA arrears for the period July 2019 to December 2021 after adjusting the total interim relief paid from July 2019 to December 2021. An illustration is available at Annexure-l after 1-4-2004
In case of the Government employees appointed (CPS employees), the arrears payable after adjusting the interim relief shall be paid in four equal quarterly instalments during the financial year 2022-23 viz June 2022, September 2022, December 2022 and March 2023.
In case of Government employees appointed prior to 1-4-2004 (OPS employees), the arrears payable after adjusting the interim relief shall be paid by crediting the same to the respective employees General Provident Fund Account in four equal quarterly instalments during the financial year 2022-23 viz. June 2022, September 2022, December 2022 and March 2023.
If any employee has drawn mare interim relief than
the Pay and DA arrears combined, the same shall be adjusted from the
future DA Arrears
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