S.S.C Public Examinations, April/May 2022 - Important instructions for feeding the students data Online and for the preparation of Manual Nominal Rolls
Sri D. Devananda Reddy, M.Sc, B.Ed., Director of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh, Gollapudi, Vijayawada.
All the Heads of High Schools presenting the pupils for S.S.C Public Examinations, April/May, 2022.
Rc.No: 150/B-l/2022, Dated: 2-\ -01-2022
Sub:- S.S.C., O.S.S.C., and S.S.C (Vocational Course)Public Examinations, April/May 2022 - Important instructions for feeding the students data Online and for the preparation of Manual Nominal Rolls for submission of the same to the Office of the District Educational Officer- Issued - Reg.
Ref:- 1. G.O. Ms. No. 79, School Education (Prog.II) Dept, Dt: 17-12-2021.
2. G.O. Ms. No. 86, School Education (Prog.II) Dept, Dt: 29-12-2021.
3. This office due dates notification vide Rc.No.149/B-1/2022, Dt: 19 -01-2022.
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It is hereby informed to all the Headmasters/Principals/Correspondents of all the High Schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh, presenting Regular/Private/OSSC Candidates for SSC Public Examinations, April/May - 2022 that the students data has to be fed online by using their respective User ID and Password provided by the 0/0 DGE in the website "wwv. bse.ap.gov.in" for the generation of Nominal Rolls.
As per the orders contained in the G.O.Ms.NoA1, School Education (Prog.II) ,Dept., Dated: 28-06-2019., the following are the changes in the existing pattern.
1. There will be no weigh tage for internal marks for class X.
2. SSC board examinations will be conducted for 100 marks duly following the 7 paper pattern vide the reference 1st cited.
3. 1st language, 2nd language, 3rd language, Mathematics and Social Studies subjects contain one paper each and each paper will be conducted for 100 marks.
4. For the General Science subject, Physical Science and Biological Science examinations will be conducted separately for "50 Marks each" on two different days.
5. In the first language, Composite paper 1 is for 70 marks and paper 2 is for 30 marks.
All the Heads of Secondary Schools shall submit the Manual Nominal Rolls to the % DEO with in the stipulated time mentioned in the Due dates Notification The candidates who appeared for the first time in March 2017 and afterwards till June 2019 and could not clear till June 2019 are allowed to take examination in the new scheme for which they have registered for the examination.
The failed candidates prior to SSC public examinations March 2017 are directed to appear for Open school examinations as per G.O.Ms.No.41, School Education (Prog.II) Dept., Dt. 07-06-2016.
1. The list of schools and particulars of candidates are being mapped strictly with the CHILD INFO data provided by the Commissioner of School Education, AP, Vijayawada. For any discrepancy in the data of Schools I Students, please contact the Office of the Commissioner of School Education, A.P, as the Commissioner of School Education, A.P is the competent authority to resolve the issues associated with Child Info.
2. Only the Schools which have obtained the Opening Permissions/ ETRs from the competent authority and submitted the same to the 0/0 DGE are permitted to apply for SSC Public Examinations, 2022. Preparation of online Nominal Rolls should be entrusted to a Sr. /Jr. Assistant or a Teacher who is familiar with the preparation of Nominal Rolls and dealing with examination work to avoid mistakes. Utmost care should be exercised while feeding the candidate's name along with surname, Father's name along with surname, Mother's name along with surname, Date of Birth, Community Code, PH category and Special English subject of the candidates etc.
The following are the instructions for the updating data through online in the website www.bse.ap.gov.in in respect of Regular / Private Candidates appearing for the S.S.C./O.S.S.C and S.S.C. Vocational Course Public Examinations, 2022.
There are three categories of candidates appearing for SSC Public Examinations, 2022.
1. Regular candidates: Students presently studying X class in Government, Zilla Parishad, Municipal, A.P. Residential, APBCW Residential, APSW Residential, APTW Residential Schools, KGBV High Schools, A.P Model Schools, Government' Tribal Welfare ASHRAM Schools (GTWAHS), Recognized Private Aided and Recognized Private Unaided schools.
2. Private Candidates (Once failed candidates in the new pattern from March- 2017 onwards.)
1. Regular candidates studying X class (OSSC) in OSSC stream.
2. Private candidates (OSSC failed candidates in NEW PATTERN from March- 2017 onwards).
1. Students who opted SSC of Regular stream and vocational course appearing for vocational subjects for SSC Public Examinations, 2022.
1. Before entering the student's information in the website application, the HMs are instructed to scan all the following document.s and keep the scanned copies as well as hard copies ready for uploading and reference.
2. All the scanned copies shall be in ".jpg" or ".jpeg" format only.
a. Scanned images of the passport size photo of the students with a size between 30KB to 40KB.
b. Scanned images of the signatures of the students between 10 KB to 20 KB size only.
c. Scanned copy of PH certificates (if any) issued by the Medical Board only with a size between SOKB to 100KB only.
d. Scanned copy of Special English permission copy (if applicable) with a size between SOKB to 100KB only.
e. Scanned copy of Age condonation orders (if applicable) with a Size between 50 KB and 100KB only.
3. All the particulars have to be filled up strictly In accordance with the Admission Register of the School only.
4. Read the instructionsj user manual that are issued in this regard and supplied to you carefully before filling up the application and confirming the data.
5. The child info student's data is on the website of Director, Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh: www.bse.ap.gov.in.Edit option is available for: all the fields except Child ID.
6. A space of 42 characters including spaces is provided for columns to furnish the Name of the Candidate including surname, Father's name including surname, Mother's name including surname.
The Headmaster has to follow the guidelines given below In filling up the candidate's name, father's name and mother's name:
i) Candidate's Name
ii) Father's Name
iii) Mother's Name
: 42 characters with spaces (including Surname).
: 42 characters with spaces (including Surname).
: 42 characters with spaces (including Surname).
Note: Special care shall be taken while entering the Particulars of the following:
1. Enter Surname of the Candidate duly elaborating and the Candidate's Name separately and to see that the entire name including spaces shall not exceed 42 characters.
11. Father's Surname & Father's Name and Mother's Surname &Mother's Name should enter separately by Abbreviating to fit in 42 characters. iii. Before updating the Mother's name in the online application, the H.M has to take a declaration from the parent concerned, duly entering the same in the school Admission register as per the orders issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh vide Memo No. 7679 jPE-Ser- IIjA2j2010., Dt: 14-09-2010 to incorporate Mother's name in the SSC Pass certificates in addition to the father's name from March 2011 exams onwards. In case, if the mother is either a Govt. or Private Employee, mother's name has to be written as per the mother's SSC and a declaration has to be taken from the mother (Annexure -A) and has to be kept with the Head Master along with office records and has to produce the same when instructed.
7. For uploading candidate's photograph, use "Black and White Passport Size" (i.e.,) 35 x 45 mm photographs with white background or light color for more clarity. The photo should be scanned in ".jpg" Format of 30KB - 40KB size. The candidate's signature is also scanned in ".jpeg" Format of 10KB-20KB size and uploads the photograph and signature of the candidate in the fields provided in the online application.
8. While entering the date of birth the Head Master has to enter the date of birth as per the Admission Register only. In case of underage candidates, please refer VII (7) in this booklet.
9. While opting the PH category, utmost care has to be taken and the languages shall be opted carefully for all PH categories.
10. The PH Certificate shall be issued by the Medical Board only. The PH category has to be opted as per the PH Certificate only and exemptions shall be availed based on the G.O. Ms. No. 86, School Education (Prog.II)Dept, Dt: 29- 12-2021.
11. Special English f llE):-1f the candidates from other States of India or other country whose mother tongue is not Telugu and joined in VI class or later are exempted from studying "Telugu" as "Second Language". The DEO is the competent authority to permit such candidate for exemption of studying Telugu as Second Language and the DEO is the competent authority to permit the candidate to opt Special English (llE) as Second Language. In such a case, the orders of the DEO have to be uploaded during the online registration of the candidate. For syllabus of the Special English (llE), please refer to Para 13 (d) of this booklet.
12. Migration Certificate:
a. Before entering the details of the candidates online, the Headmaster has to seek the information regarding the requirement of migration certificate from the individual candidates who desires to get admission for their higher studies in other States.
b. The Headmaster has to select the option "Migration Certificate" for those who requires it and an amount of Rs. 80/- per candidate shall be added to the examination fee and the Headmaster has to pay the required amount (Examinations fee + fee for Migration Certificate) through the payment gateway after confirming the candidate details.
13. In case of vocational candidates, fee has to be paid after submission of vocational details only. After payment of fee only, the confirmation has to be done individually. Once confirmed, the particulars of the candidate cannot be edited. The Printout of the submitted application can be taken after confirmation.
14. Similar instructions shall be followed for the OSSC and Vocational candidates also.
15. After the print out of NR data is taken, it should be verified personally by the Headmaster with reference to the Admission register, particularly the entries relating to the candidate's name along with surname, Father's name, Mother's name along with surnames, Date of Birth and Community Code of the candidate, Medium of instruction and subject codes.
16. The names which are on rolls of the School as per the child info alone should be considered and forwarded as Regular candidates.
17. The names which are not on rolls of the School should not be considered and should not be forwarded as Regular candidates. For example, one school "X" has 2 or more branches but has recognition for one branch only, however, the school management has forwarded the NRs of school or branch which doesn't have the recognition. In such a case, the school management shall not forward the NRs of the school which doesn't have recognition. If any such cases are noticed at a later stage, the recognition of such schools will be cancelled and the schools shall be liable for penal action.
18. Special care shall be taken while entering the names of the candidates which. sound similar or which may have similar spellings, to avoid any kind of confusion.
19. The number of Regular candidates forwarded shall be confined to that of the child info only as furnished by the Commissioner. School Education. A.P.
1. Care should be taken to see that the particulars pertaining to the Surname and Name of the candidate, Surname and Father's name, Surname and Mother's name, Surname date of birth, and subjects offered for 1stlanguage and 2ndlanguage, community code, Medium of instruction, P.H. code and identification marks etc. Particulars in the submitted online application and the corresponding entries in the School Admission Register must be one and the same. There shall not be any difference in the particulars given in NR that of entered in online application and School Admission Register as this will lead to complications for corrections of any mistakes in the future.
11. A declaration from the parents shall also be taken for the confirmation of above particulars.
11. Identification marks mentioned in the admission register shall be verified physically and care should be taken while feeding in the online application in the case of regular candidates.
1. For SSC vocational candidates the Director, Government Examinations will enable the school wise vocational trades for traditional schools and the schools which come under Samagra Shiksha Vocational trades (AP Model School related vocational trades).
11. The HMs concerned shall enter the student's data through online application as per the child info.