AP New Districts Formation Allocation of Posts, Allotment of Employees Guidelines GO MS 31 Districts Restructuring - Procedural Guidelines G.O.Ms.No.31 Dated: 26-02-2022.
Finance Department - District Restructuring, 2022 - Human Resources- Allocation - Provisional allocation of posts & personnel in the restructured District / Division offices - Procedural Guidelines - Orders - Issued
G.O.Ms.No.31 Dated: 26-02-2022 AP New Districts Restructuring - Procedural Guidelines
- O.Rt.No.2098, Finance (Budget. I) Department, dated 07-08-2020.
- O.Rt.No.2101, Finance (Budget. I) Department, dated 08-08-2020.
- O.Rt.No.2207, Finance (Budget. I) Department, dated 22-08-2020.
- Gazette Notifications, dated 26-01-2022 & 02-02-2022 on restructuring of districts in Andhra
The Government of Andhra Pradesh, in the references 1st and 2nd read above, have issued orders constituting a State Level Committee (SLC), chaired by Chief Secretary to Government, to study the aspects related to restructuring of the districts and undertake appropriate measures for optimal utilisation of existing resources in the creation of districts and in the reference 3rd read above, constituted four Sub-Committees (SCs) to assist the SLC in its mandate.
- In the reference 4th read above, the Government have issued the preliminary Gazette Notifications duly notifying the proposed restructured districts and revenue
- The Government has decided that the Government Offices in the restructured districts / revenue divisions shall start functioning from the appointed day i.e. the auspicious day of Ugadi (Saturday, 2nd April 2022).
- The restructuring of districts and revenue divisions inter-alia necessitates the inter-se allocation of the existing human and physical resources on a permanent basis, which requires
- In the interim, to ensure the orderly transition within the stipulated timelines, it is essential to make transitory arrangements for the inter-se allocation of existing posts & personnel to the reorganized districts and revenue divisions well in advance, so that the offices shall be fully functional from the appointed Accordingly, the following orders are issued for the provisional allocation of the posts & personnel.
Provisional Allocation of Posts:
- The offices at the State, Regional / Zonal, Mandal and Village levels shall not be considered for the purpose of the provisional
- The offices at the District & Divisional level shall be considered for the purpose of the provisional
- The offices at the District/Divisional level with low cadre strength shall not be taken up for provisional The existing office shall continue to serve the jurisdiction of the erstwhile districts / divisions. The Finance Department shall take a final view on this aspect during the scrutiny of the proposals received from Secretaries / HoDs.
- The posts & personnel in existing districts / divisional offices shall be provisionally allocated amongst the restructured districts/ divisions, till such time the final allocation of posts & personnel is However, the said provisional allocation of personnel shall not affect their inter-se seniority in any manner.
- Excepting the district / division head, no new post shall be created, as a result of the provisional allocation
Provisional Allocation of Personnel
7.1 The provisional allocation of personnel will be taken up by the HoDs broadly following the principles of general transfers contained in G.O.Ms.No.59, Finance (HR.1-Plg.&Policy) Department, dated:04-07-2019, duly adopting the principle of reverse seniority.
Provisional Allocation through “Order to Serve”
- All the personnel who are not subjected to provisional allocation, shall continue to serve in their existing offices and posts on & with effect from the Appointed Day and they shall be deemed to be allotted provisionally to the respective reorganized district
/ division offices, pending final allocation as per the guidelines to be issued separately.
- The personnel subjected to provisional allocation, shall be issued “order to serve” provisionally in the reorganized districts / divisions to which their services are allocated on tentative basis, pending final allocation as per the guidelines to be issued
- The employees deemed to be allotted provisionally and the employees provisionally ordered to serve in the reorganized districts shall be deemed to continue to be in their respective erstwhile district / zonal / multi-zonal cadres localized under the Presidential Order, for the purpose of lien, seniority, promotions & other service matters, as the arrangement of provisional allocation is purely temporary, made due to administrative exigencies in public
Relaxation of Ban on transfers, etc.
- As the above process of provisional allocation may involve movement to new stations, the general ban on transfers shall be deemed to have been relaxed to this extent in terms of Clause 5 (1) of Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres & Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 1975, issued vide O.Ms. No.674, dated 20th October 1975, by the General Administration (SPF) Department, treating such transfers as those made in exercise of powers vested in the State Government under Clause 5 (2) (C) of the said Order in public interest.
- The eligible Transfer Travelling Allowance may be sanctioned to the employees as per
Contract and outsourcing Employees
- The personnel working on contract & outsourcing basis in the existing district / division offices, which are subjected to provisional allocation, shall also be allocated to the reorganized district / divisional offices, applying the same criteria as applied to the District /
- The HoD shall be responsible for ensuring that the contractual appointments has been made as per terms of O.Ms.No.40, Finance (HR.1-Plg.&Policy) Department, dated:18-06-2021 and the HoD shall certify the same after examining all the relevant documents.
- The outsourcing employees shall be considered for allocation as per the APCOS
- All the contract & outsourcing personnel shall be mapped to a sanctioned
Provisional Allocation in Restructured District Offices
- All District Level offices, that are coterminous e. having same jurisdiction as that of the revenue district concerned, shall be considered for provisional allocation.
Example: Offices of JD (Agriculture) or District Education Officer.
- All District Level offices, that are not coterminous e. not having same jurisdiction as that of the revenue district concerned, shall not be considered for provisional allocation. Such offices, excepting those of AP Police Department shall continue to function as at present, without changing their jurisdiction, but remapping the same in accordance with the reorganized districts.
Example: Offices of Divisional Forest Officer & Prohibition & Excise Superintendent.
Generic Designations
12.1 The line departments shall create a District level administrative unit, wherever they are coterminous with the revenue districts, and create a post of District Head using generic nomenclature. Such units shall be headed by an officer of appropriate cadre as Head of Office.
Example 1: Generic Designation for the District Head in Agriculture Department
A generic designation of District Agriculture Officer shall be used instead of JD (Agriculture), so that a JD or DD cadre officer may be posted as the District Head, as per the availability of officers.
Example 2: District Office of Women Development & Child Welfare Department
The existing Kurnool district is reorganized into Kurnool & Nandyal Districts. Since the O/o Project Director, WD&CW Department, Kurnool is coterminous with the existing revenue district of Kurnool, the Women Development & Child Welfare Department shall rename the existing administrative unit in Kurnool district as District Women & Child Welfare Officer, Kurnool and create another administrative unit with the nomenclature District Women & Child Welfare Officer, Nandyal. A Project Director or an Assistant Project Director, as per availability, shall be posted as Head of the Office/Offices in these offices.
Personnel Pool for being posted as District Heads
13.1 In order to meet the requirement of District Heads in restructured district offices, the officers shall be provisionally allocated as District Heads from the available pool of officers from equivalent/one-rank higher/one-rank lower cadres, including those available at the State / Regional / Zonal offices.
Provisional Allocation Ratio (PAR)
- For provisional allocation of posts in District / Division Offices in the restructured Districts / Divisions, each HoD shall arrive at the Provisional Allocation Ratio (PAR), in consultation with the Secretary concerned, based on an objective criteria appropriate to the Department, such as (a) population (b) number of service delivery units falling in the jurisdiction (c) number of beneficiaries (d) extent of service delivery area, An illustrative example is provided at Annexure-1.
- The inter-se allocation of all the cadres in the existing district office which is subjected to provisional allocation of personnel, shall be made by applying the Provisional Allocation Ratio(PAR)
Provisional Allocation in Restructured Division Offices
- All Division level offices, which are coterminous e. having same jurisdiction as that of the revenue division concerned, shall be considered for provisional allocation.
Example : Offices of Revenue Divisional Officers
- All Division Level offices that are not coterminous e. not having same jurisdiction as that of the revenue division concerned, shall not be considered for provisional allocation. Such offices, excepting those of the AP Police Department, shall continue to function as at present, without changing their jurisdictions, but remapping the same in accordance with reorganized divisions.
Example : Offices of Forest Range Officers
Generic Designations
- The line departments shall create a Division level administrative unit, wherever they are coterminous with the revenue divisions, and create a post of Division Head using generic nomenclature. Such units shall be headed by an officer of appropriate cadre as Head of
Example: Revenue Divisional Officer in Land Administration Department
Personnel Pool for being posted as Divisional Heads
- In order to meet the requirement of Division Heads in the restructured division offices, the officers shall be provisionally allocated as Division Heads from available pool of officers from equivalent / one-rank higher / one-rank lower cadres, including those available at State / Regional / Zonal
Provisional Allocation Ratio (PAR)
- For provisional allocation of employees in the reorganized divisions, each HoD shall apply the Provisional Allocation Ratio (PAR) as that applied for the provisional allocation of the employees at the district An example is given at Annexure-1.
- The inter-se allocation of all the cadres of employees in the existing division offices which are subjected to provisional allocation of personnel, shall be made by applying the Provisional Allocation Ratio (PAR)
Provisional Allocation of Posts
- The HOD shall first decide whether the offices at District/Divisional level are with low cadre strength that shall not be taken up for provisional allocation or
- After deciding the above, the HoD shall decide whether the District & Divisional offices are coterminous with respective the revenue district/divisions.
- If the District/Divisional level offices are not with low cadre & are coterminous with respective revenue districts/divisions, then the provisional allocation process mentioned hereunder at Section -A & Section -B shall be followed by the
19.4. The HoD shall then identify the key service delivery parameter & arrive at the Provisional Allocation Ratio (PAR).
- An illustration for arriving at the PAR based on the service delivery parameter data is given at Annexure-1.
- The HoDs shall complete the cadre strength provisional allocation exercise through their login in the District Reorganization Portal hosted at https://drp.ap.gov.in/HomePage.do.
Section A
- The HoD shall identify the offices which are not of low strength & which are coterminous with the revenue districts / divisions in all 13
- For each District, HoD shall
- Mark the Offices to be reorganized or not to be
- Mark the Offices as District or Division Level
Section B
- The HoD shall generate the report enabled in the portal which displays the cadre strength details of all the offices selected at Para 2 above.
- The cadre strength data will be prepopulated from Directory of Posts & Personnel (DoPP).
- The HoD will divide the cadre strength of an office based on the PAR finalized & enter the details of provisionally allocated cadre strength in the
- The HoD shall download the Provisional Post Allocation Statement (Statement-1), for district / division & submit to the Secretary concerned for The illustrative Provisional Post Allocation Statement (Statement-1), is given at Annexure-2.
Scrutiny & Approval of provisional allocation of Posts by the Secretary
22.1 The Provisional Post Allocation Statement (Statement-1), shall be scrutinised by the Secretary concerned & after approval forwarded to the Finance Department.
Approval of provisional allocation of Posts by the Finance Department
23.1 The Finance Department shall review the Provisional Post Allocation Statement (Statement-1), in consultation with the Secretaries and HoDs of the department concerned & after approval communicate the Final Post Allocation Statement (Statement-2) to the Secretary & the HoD.
Provisional Allocation of Personnel
- Basing upon the Final Post Allocation Statement (Statement-2) communicated by Finance Department, the HODs shall allocate the existing personnel among the posts in the districts/divisions in terms of Para 1, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 & 10.4
- After finalisation of the above, the HoD shall download the Provisional Personnel Allocation Statement (Statement-3), for district / division & submit to the Secretary concerned for
Scrutiny & Approval of provisional allocation of Posts by the Secretary
25.1 The Provisional Personnel Allocation Statement (Statement-3), shall be scrutinised by the Secretary concerned & after approval forwarded to the Finance Department.
Approval of provisional allocation of Personnel by the Finance Department
26.1 The Finance Department shall review the Provisional Personnel Allocation Statement (Statement-3), in consultation with the Secretaries and HoDs of the department concerned & after approval communicate the Final Personnel Allocation Statement (Statement-4) to the Secretary & the HoD.
Order to serve.
- Consequent to approval of the Final Personnel Allocation Statement (Statement-4) by the Finance Department, the “Orders to Serve” shall be issued by the respective Departments on the same day that the Final Gazette Notification on the restructuring of districts is
- The model template for “Order to Serve” is attached at Annexure-3.
Activities and Timelines
28.1 The timelines for the activities involved are as hereunder.
Sl. No. | Activity | Timelines | Responsibility |
1 | Issue of Government Orders. | By 24/02/2022 | Finance Department |
2 | Finalization of the District/Divisional Offices, PAR & Provisional Post Allocation Statement (Statement-1) utilizing the DR,2022 portal & submission for approval to Finance Department through the Secretary. |
By 28/02/2022 |
HoD & Secretary concerned |
3 | Approval & communication of the Final Post Allocation Statement (Statement-2) by the Finance Department. |
By 03/03/2022 |
Finance Department |
4 | Finalization of the Provisional Personnel Allocation Statement (Stament-3) utilizing the DR,2022 portal & submission for approval to Finance Department through the Secretary |
By 07/03/2022 |
HoD & Secretary concerned |
5 | Approval & communication of the Final Personnel Allocation Statement (Statement-4) by the Finance Department. |
By 11/03/2022 |
Finance Department |
6 |
Issue of Order to serve | On the Date of the final Gazette Notification |
Secretary concerned |