SA PDs PETS - Changes of timings and time table Clarifications
SA PDs PETS - Changes of timings and time table Clarifications High School Physical Education Teachers - Changes of timings and time table - Certain clarifications
Rc.No.ESE02/92/2022-SCERT Dated: 01/02/2022
Sub School Education - Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh - Academic calendar 2021-2022 High School - Physical Education Teachers changes of timings and time table - Certain clarifications-Orders issued.
1.Hon'ble Supreme Court of India Questionnaire in WP. (C) No. 423 of Ref: 2018 to all the Sates and Union of India.
2.G.O.Ms. No. 35 of School Education Department Dated: 09.06.2017.
3.G.O.Ms. No. 3 of YOUTH ADVANCEMENT TOURISM & CULTURE Sports & YS) DEPARTMENT Dated: 09.02.2017.
4.Memo No ESE02/631/2021-SCERT, Oyo DSE, Dated: 21.08.2021
5.Lr.Rc.No. ESE02-33/30/2021-SECY-SGFCSE. Dated: 29/01/20of The CSE, AP
The attention of all the District, invited that in obedience to the Officers in the state are 1 ^ (3t) cited, it is informed that, as per the Questionnaire given by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India to all the states and Union of India, the Andhra Pradesh state has given the clear indication to the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India for timings and time table and weight age with priority of the Physical Education, Yoga and Sports in a prescribed proforma.
Basing on that, as per the G0.35 Dated 09.06.2017 of School Education department and answer given by the Andhra Pradesh State to Hon'ble Supreme court the model time table as given under for circulation of all the schools and incorporate in the SCERT calendar.
Model Time Table For Physical Education
Day |
1st Period 08.45 |
2nd Period 10.00 To 10.40 (HE) |
7th Period to |
8th Period |
9th Period |
10th Period |
Monday |
10th |
4th & |
5th & |
10th |
Pre-arrangements of Assembly and Conduct of Conduct of Prayer to all Classes. |
Class |
3rd Classes |
6th Classes |
Class |
Special Coaching for Meritorious Players of the School. |
Tuesday |
9th Class |
8th Class |
7th Class |
9th Class |
Wednesday |
8th Class |
10th Class |
8th Class |
Mass drill for 3rd to 6th Class |
Thursday |
7th Class |
9th Class |
10th Class |
7th & 8th Classes |
Friday |
6th & 5th Classes |
6th & 7th Class |
9th Class |
5th & 6th Classes |
Saturday |
4th & 3 rd Classes |
Mass Drill for 7th to 10th Classes |
3rd & 4th Classes |
1.All the teachers will play with their classes in 9th period (optional for teachers)
2.On Mass Drill Periods all the teachers will stand behind the Classes under the supervision of the Head Master/ Head Mistress.
Further it is informed that, the new time frame for the Physical Education Teachers is as follows:
New Timings for SA (PD's) Minimum 6 hours with Minimum 6 periods per day
(8.45 to 11.45 and 2.30 to 5.30 )
Timings |
Nature of Work |
Morning Session - 08.45 to 11.45 (3 hours) |
08.45 |
09.15 |
Pre arrangements of Assembly, School Children Safety and Conduct of Prayer. |
10.00 |
10.40 |
Health Education in 2nd period |
10.40 |
10.50 |
To look after the discipline in Break time. |
10.50 |
11.00 |
Overall School observation of Aanandavedika. |
11.00 |
11.40 |
Indoor recreation games for Elementary School Children i.e. 3rd 4th and 5th Classes. |
Afternoon Session - 02.30 to 05.30 (3 hours) |
02.30 to 02.40 |
To look after the discipline in Break time |
02.40 to 03.20 |
Indoor recreation games for Elementary School Children i.e. 6th and 7th Classes or Pre arrangements of evening sessions Physical Education classes |
3.20- |
4.00 |
Physical Education in 8th period |
4.00 |
- 4.45 |
Compulsory Physical education period for all after School |
4.45 |
- 5.30 |
Special coaching for Selected Players afer school |
Further as per the reference 5th cited the Commissioner of School Education Andhra Pradesh has sent a letter to the Director SCERT with a requested to circulate the new timings and time table to all the feld level officers to implement the new time table in all schools of the state for efective implementation of Physical and Health Education in the Schools.
In this regard all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to issue the necessary orders to the High School Head Masters/Mistress for effective implementation of new time table and timings (as mentioned above) for Physical Education Teachers (PET/PD's) in their respective schools.