Absorption of the aided staff Web Counselling Schedule, Instructions
Memo No. ESE02-18022/40/2021-PS 3-CSE Dated 17/03/2022Sub: School Education Department Absorption of the aided staff reported to the Government as per the policy for takeover of willing Private Aided Schools Revised schedule-Issued - Reg
Read: This office Memo, dated: 06.03.2022 & 09.03.2022
In continuation of this office Memos cited, all the District Educational Officers in the state are hereby permitted to conduct the web based counseling for absorption of the aided staff as per the policy for takeover of willing Private Aided Schools.
The following is the revised schedule:
1. Display of signed PDF seniority and vacancies: 17.03.2022
2. Objections on Seniority If any ( at District Educational Officer Office): 19.03.2022 to 21.03.2022
3. Redressal of Grievances/objections on seniority): 22.03.2022
4. Web options: From 21.03.2022 to 23.03.2022
5. Allotment of places and issue of posting orders: 25.03.2022
In view of the above, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to take necessary action in the matter accordingly.
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