APPSC Groups Recruitment 2022 for 292 Posts- APPSC 110 Group I Posts, 182 Group II Posts Notification Details
APPSC Group I Grp II Recruitment 2022 - Group I -110 Posts Group II - 182 Posts Recruitment Details. APPSC Group I Group II Recruitment 2022 - Group I -110 Posts Group II - 182 Posts Notification Details APPSC soon going to release recruitment notification for 292 Posts Group I and Group II Notifications. Provisional permission has been accorded by the CM of Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly the Recruiting Agency APPSC will release the notification as early as possible. Post wise vacancies in Groups are mentioned below. APPSC is the official agency to conduct the recruitment exams of Andhra Pradesh state. Let us see the details below. G.O.Rt.No.78 Dated:31.03.2022. PUBLIC SERVICES - Recruitments - Filling of vacant posts through Direct Recruitment-Permission to the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (HR.I- PLG. & POLICY) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No.78 Dated:31.03.2022.
DOWNLOAD APPSC: 292 Posts - G.O.Rt.No.78 Dated:31.03.2022.
APPSC: 292 Posts - G.O.Rt.No.78 Dated:31.03.2022.
SERVICES - Recruitments - Filling of vacant posts through Direct
Recruitment-Permission to the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
(APPSC) - Orders - Issued.
FINANCE (HR.I- PLG. & POLICY) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No.78 Dated:31.03.2022.
- 1. Circular Memo. No.HROPDPP/49/2021 (Comp.No.1389438)-2, Dt.07.04.2021.
- 2. Letter No. HROPDPP/49/2021 (Comp.No.1389438)-2, Dt. 23.05.2021.
- 3. Letter No. HROPDPP/49/2021 (Comp.No.1389438)-3, Dt. 26.05.2021.
- 4. Letter No. HROPDPP/49/2021 (Comp.No.1389438)-4, Dt. 28.05.2021.
- 5. G.O.Ms.No.39, Finance (HR.I-Plg. &Policy) Department, Dt:18.06.2021.
In the reference 5th read above, orders have been issued permitting various Recruiting Agencies to take up the process of recruitment for 10143 posts after obtaining the confirmation of the vacancies from the respective Departments duly following the procedure in vogue, as per the month wise calendar of recruitment/notification stipulated in the order.
2. The Progress of the "Job Calendar" issued vide reference 5th read above, has been reviewed based upon the feedback received from the different Departments /public representatives/stake holders in the state in general.
3. Based upon the review as mentioned above and after careful examination, Government consider to accord permission for direct recruitment to fill in a total (292 vacancies) in the categories of Group-I (110), Group-II(182). The posts permitted to be filled up in this order include and subsume the 36 posts (Group-I -31 & Group-II -5) permitted to be filled up as per the G.O.Ms.No.39, Finance (HR.I-Plg. &Policy) Department, Dt:18.06.2021, at reference 5th read above.
4. In pursuance of the above, Government hereby permit the Department wise and post wise recruitment as mentioned in the Annexure to this order, to be taken up by the APPSC for 292 (Two hundred & ninety two) posts. The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) is hereby permitted to take up recruitment with reference to the posts mentioned in the Annexure, after obtaining the confirmation of the vacancies from the respective Departments, duly following the procedure in vogue.
5. All the concerned Administrative Departments & the Heads of Departments, shall furnish details of all vacant posts permitted in this order, including the zone/district wise vacancy position, roster points and qualifications, etc., to the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) immediately.
APPSC Group I 110 Posts Recruitment Details
110 గ్రూపు-1 పోస్టులు- డిప్యూటీ కలెక్టర్-10;
- రోడ్డు ట్రాన్స్పోర్టు అధికారి (ఆర్టీఓ)-7;
- కమర్షియల్ ట్యాక్స్ అధికారి (సీటీఓ) -12;
- జిల్లా రిజిస్ట్రార్ (స్టాంప్స్, రిజిస్ట్రేషన్)-6;
- జిల్లా గిరిజన సంక్షేమాధికారి (డీటీడబ్ల్యూఓ)-1;
- జిల్లా సాంఘిక సంక్షేమ అధికారి (డీఎస్డబ్ల్యూఓ)-1;
- జిల్లా బీసీ సంక్షేమ అధికారి (డీడబ్ల్యూసీడబ్ల్యూఓ)-3;
- డీఎస్పీ (సివిల్)-13;
- డీఎస్పీ (జైల్స్, మెన్స్)-2;
- జిల్లా అగ్నిమాపక అధికారి (డీఎఫ్ఓ)-2;
- అసిస్టెంట్ కమిషనర్ ఆఫ్ లేబర్ (ఏసీఎల్)-3;
- పురపాలక కమిషనర్-1;
- పురపాలక కమిషనర్ (గ్రేడ్-2)-8;
- డిప్యూటీ రిజిస్ట్రార్, కోఆపరేటివ్ విభాగం-2;
- ట్రెజరర్ గ్రేడ్2-5; ఏటీఓ/ఏఏఓ (ట్రెజరీస్ విభాగం)-8;
- ఏఏఓ (డీఎస్ఏ) (స్టేట్ ఆడిట్ విభాగం)-4;
- ఏఓ (డైరెక్టర్ పీహెచ్, ఎఫ్డబ్ల్యూ)-15;
- ఎంపీడీఓ-7.
S.No | Category Group I Posts | No. of Posts |
1 | Dy. Collectors | 10 |
2 | Road Transport Officers (RTO) | 7 |
3 | Commercial Tax Officers (CTO) | 12 |
4 | District Registrar (Stamps & Registration) | 6 |
5 | District Tribal Welfare Officer (DTWO) | 1 |
6 | District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO) | 1 |
7 | District BC Welfare Officers (DWCWO) | 3 |
8 | DSP (Civil) | 13 |
9 | DSP (Jails/Men) | 2 |
10 | District Fire Officer (DFO) | 2 |
11 | Assistant Commissioner of Labour (ACL) | 3 |
12 | Municipal Commissioner | 1 |
13 | Municipal Commissioner Gr II | 8 |
14 | Deputy Registrar, Cooperation Dept | 2 |
15 | Law Secy & Treasurer Grade-II | 5 |
16 | ATO/AAO (Treasuries Dept) | 8 |
17 | AAO(DSA) (State Audit Dept) | 4 |
18 | AO (Director, PH & FW) | 15 |
19 | MPDO | 7 |
TOTAL | 110 |
SI. No |
Name of the Department | Name of the HoD | Name of the Post | No of posts oermitted |
1 | Revenue Dept. | CCLA | Deputy Collectors | 10 |
CCST | Commercial Tax Officer | 12 |
I G, Registration and Stamps Department | District Registrar / Asst. Inspector General | 6 |
2 | Home Dept. | Director General of Police | Dy. Superintendent of Police (NC) | 13 |
Dy. Superintendent of Police Jails(Men) | 2 |
Director General of State Disaster Response and Fire Services | District Fire Officer | 2 |
3 | T, R& B Dept. | Commissioner, Transport Deoartment | Regional Transport Officer | 7 |
4 | LFB &IMS Department | Commissioner of Labour | Assistant Commissioner of Labour | 3 |
5 | MA&UD Dept. | Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration | Assistant Commissioner | 1 |
Municipal Commissioner Gr-Il | 8 |
6 | A&C Department | Registrar of Co-operative Societies | Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies | 2 |
7 | HM&FW | Director, PH&FW | Administrative Officer | 15 |
Lay Secretary & Treasurer Gr-II | 5 |
8 | Finance Department | OTA | ATO/ AAO | 8 |
DSA | AAO | 4 |
9 | Social Welfare Deot. | Director of Social Welfare | District Social Welfare Officer | 1 |
10 | B.C Welfare Dept. | Commissioner of BC Welfare | District B.C welfare Officer | 3 |
11 | Tribal Welfare | Tribal Welfare Department | District Tribal Welfare Officer | 1 |
12 | PR & RD Department | Commissioner of Panchayat Raj | Manda! Parishad Development Officer | 7 |
Total of Grouo-1 | 110 |
APPSC Group II 182 Posts Recruitment Details
- డిప్యూటీ తహసీల్దార్-30;
- సబ్రిజిస్ట్రార్ గ్రేడ్2-16;
- అసిస్టెంట్ రిజిస్ట్రార్, కోఆపరేటివ్-15;
- మున్సిపల్ కమిషనర్ (గ్రేడ్-3)-5;
- ఏఎల్ఓ (లేబర్)-10;ఏఎస్ఓ (లా)-2;
- ఏఎస్ఓ (లెజిస్లేచర్)-4;
- ఏఎస్ఓ (జీఏడీ)-50;
- జేఏ (సీసీఎస్)-5;
- సీనియర్ అకౌంటెంట్, ట్రెజరీ విభాగం-10;
- జూనియర్ అకౌంటెంట్, ట్రెజరీ విభాగం-20;
- సీనియర్ ఆడిటర్, స్టేట్ ఆడిట్ విభాగం-5;
- ఆడిటర్, పేఅండ్అలవెన్స్ విభాగం-10.
S.No | Category | No. of Posts |
1 |
Dy Tahsildar | 30 |
2 |
Sub - Registrar (Gr - II) | 16 |
3 |
Assistant Registrar, Cooperative | 15 |
4 |
Municipal Commissioner, GR —III | 5 |
5 |
ALO (Labour) | 10 |
6 |
ASO (Law) | 2 |
7 |
ASO (Legislature) | 4 |
8 |
ASO (GAD) | 50 |
9 |
JA (CCS) | 5 |
10 |
Sr. Accountant, Treasury Dept. | 10 |
11 |
Jr. Accountant Treasury Dept. | 20 |
12 |
Sr. Auditor, State Audit Department | 5 |
13 |
Auditor, Pay & Allowances Dept. | 10 |
TOTAL | 182 |
SI. No |
Name of t he Department | Name of the HoD | Name of the Post | No of posts permitted |
1 | Revenue Dept. | CCLA | Deputy Tahasildar | 30 |
IG, Registration and Stamps Department | Sub Registrar Gr-II | 16 |
2 | MA&UD Dept | Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration | Municipal Commissioner Gr-III | 5 |
3 | LFB & IMS Department | Commissioner of Labour | Assistant Labour Officer | 10 |
4 | A&C Department | Registrar of Co- operative Societies | Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies | 15 |
5 | Secretariat | GAD Secretariat | Assistant Section Officer | 50 |
Law Secretariat | Assistant Section Officer | 2 |
Legislature Secretariat | Assistant Section Officer | 4 |
6 | Finance Department | OTA | Sr. Accountant | 10 |
Jr. Accountant | 20 |
DSA | Sr. Auditor | 5 |
PAO | Auditor | 10 |
7 | CAF&CS Department | Commissioner of Civil Supplies | Jr. Assistants | 5 |
Total of Group-11 | 182 |
DOWNLOAD APPSC: 292 Posts - G.O.Rt.No.78 Dated:31.03.2022.