UDISE+ 2021-22- State/Regional level Monitoring team for the year 2021-22- Instructions - SCHEDULE
R.C.No.ESE02-28022/3/2022-PLG-CSE Dt:17/04/2022
Sub:- SE-UDISE+ 2021-22- State/Regional level Monitoring team for the year 2021-22- Instructions – Orders – Issued.
Read:-D.O.No.23-4/2022-Stats Dated: 21-03-2022 from the Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy Ministry of Education Government of India.
The Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, Gol, New Delhi has given instructions for UDISE+ data entry of all the schools for the year 2021-22 and directed to complete the entire process by 31st May 2022.
Further, it is informed that as mandated by DOSE&L, GOI the School Education Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh is migrating to Central UDISE+ Portal. In addition to the existing values, some sections, questions, fields have been included in the Data Capture Format (DCF) and the required logins shall be communicated post conduct of State Level Work Shop.
During the year 2019-20 and 2020-21 it is observed that most of the schools have not furnished the UDISE+ data properly as a result the State rank is affecting in all parameters such as decline in NITI AYOG ranking, PGI Indicators and SDG indicators etc.
In this context, an Orientation cum Training workshop is proposed with the RJDSES/DEOS/ DVEOS/ APCs in different levels of administration to create awareness, to explicate the importance etc. in entry of UDISE data and monitoring the input data at different levels on 22.04.2022 (Venue will be informed later ). In turn, RJDSES / DEOS/DVEOS APCs shall combinedly conduct District / divisional / Mandal level workshops and disseminate the same to all the schools. In addition to the orientation, section wise video clips shall be provided for better understanding.
Towards close monitoring, all the required reports related to Schools, Teachers, Students, infrastructure, facilities critical indicators, PGI Indicators etc. shall be enabled, in all official's login while entering the data itself. The official shall easily identify the gaps using the above reports and address the issues timely.
A weekly review meeting (virtual) shall be taken up by the Commissioner of School Education, A.P with all the Joint Collectors, RJDSES, DEOS, APC and the subject dealing officials shall attend the meeting with all the information.
After completion of data entry, the district report shall be generated withall the parameters taken up by the GOI team and the same shall be reviewed. If any discrepancies noticed, the same shall be rectified with in the timelines given by this office.
In addition to the regular practice, this year the District UDISE report will be generated, the same shall be reviewed by the District Collector and sign on the final report which is supposed to be submitted to State Headquarters.
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers, DVEOS, and Additional Project Coordinators (SS) in the state shall bestow their personal attention and monitor the above activity closely.
S Suresh Kumar