Nadu Nedu Phase 2 Sand Stock Register Maintenance Guidelines Supply of Sand for Nadu- Nedu Schools from School Stock Points - Stock Register to be maintained and certain further guidelines
Cir. No. 1753143/MBNN/2022, Dt: 23/06/2022
Sub: Supply of Sand for Nadu- Nedu Schools from School Stock Points - Stock Register to be maintained and certain further guidelines - Regarding.
1. Cir.No. 1753143/MBNN/2022. Dt: 11/06/2022 Commissioner, School Education.
2. Cir.No. 1752660, Dt 11/06/2022 Commissioner, School Education.
In the references cited above certain guideline are issued regarding Supply of Sand to Nadu-Nedu Schools. In continuation of the above, further guidelines regarding maintenance of records and others are given below:
- The Cluster Resource Person (CRP) shall maintain the Sand Stock register as per the format given in the annexure.
- The Mandal Engineer and the Mandal Educational Officer shall inspect the Sand Stock Points frequently and guide the CRPs in Receipts, issues and balance stocks and in calculating quantities in volumetric and weights of Sand.
- The labor charges for loading into truck / tractor send by Head Master/ Parent Committee shall be paid by Respective Parent Committees only from the revolving fund.
- Wherever feasible available tractor mounted mini dozers may be engaged for loading of Sand and the rate shall be paid per each tractor/ truck load.
- The CRP shall be take the help of Engineering Assistant / Amenities Secretary on calculations/conversion from volume to weight of Sand and vice versa.
- The CRP shall access Computer & Printers along with stationary at School Stock Point level.
7. The CRP shall be given a login to access STMS
8. The initial rate of Sand at School Stock Point level will be known and kept in STMS.
9. After supply of Sand to a school, the CRP shall generate an invoice to Head Master/Parent Committee of receiving school.
10. To recipient Head Master / Parent Committee shall accept the invoice in STMS.
11. Based on the last mile stone transaction i.e. acceptance of Head Master/ Recipient, the bill will be prepared by FAO and the same shall be accepted and approved by APC and to be pushed to CFMS for online payment to Director Mines & Geology.
Hence, All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are requested to direct the above instructions and ensure that the above guidelines are followed accordingly.