SALT – LFE Conducting a 9 day in Person intensive training for the selected observers – Disrtrict level – Orders
Rc.No. ESE02/547/2022-SCERT Dt. 22/07/2022
1. Mail received from LFE dt 18 and 19 July 2022.
2. Proc.Rc.No: ESE02/173/2022-SCERT Dated: 28/06/2022.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the state are aware that the SALT project is being conducted in the state. In this connection the State government has an MoU with Leader For Equity (LFE) to assist the state in teacher training programmes. Also aware that Teach tool was developed to assist the observers in observing the class Room transaction. The state level Master trainers training programme was already conducted.
Now the District level observers training is scheduled frog 4th August 2022 to 13th August 2022 for 9 days. Hence all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators are requested to
identify the observers as mentioned in the annexure to conduct the training programme in association with the implementing coordinators frog LFE. Also conduct the pre training Orientation to Master Trainers
frog 27th July 2022 to 29th July 2022. The list of identified Master Trainers, the proposed budget estimations are here with annexed.
The State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, AP is requested to meet the said expenditure from the available funds and release the funds for logistic expenditure to District Educational Officers, expenditure of Printing and supply to the Director SCERT AP.
Encl: Budget estimates
List of Master trainers.
Details of nugber of observers to be trained frog each erstwhile district.