Declaring August 13th 2022 as working day due to ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ Programme– Orders
Rc.No.81/A&I/2022 Dated: 10/08/2022
Sub:- School Education - Instructions for Campaign to encourage ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ Programme celebrated during the period from 11th to 15th , August’ 2022 as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) celebrations – Declaring August 13th 2022 as working day – Orders Issued - Regarding
1.D.O. Lr. No. CLTROSCCC (MISC)/85/2021-YAT&C, dated: 08.04.2022 of Dr. Rajat Bhargava, the Special Chief Secretary to Government (Tourism, culture, Museums & Archaeology), AP Secretariat,
Velagapudi, Amaravati.
2. Govt. Memo.No. 1699179/General/A1/2022-1, dated: 23.04.2022 of the Joint Secretary to Government, A.P Secretariat, Amaravati.
3. D.O Lr.No.107/Spl.CS/AKAM/2022/2022, dated: 18.07.2022 of Dr. Rajat Bhargava, I.A.S., Special Chief Secretary to Government, Govt., of Revenue Department & Tourism, Culture, Museums & Archaeology, A.P.
4. Proceedings of SPS SS vide Rc.No.1782189/APSS/CMO-2/2022, dated : 20/07/2022 .
5. Academic Calendar 2022-23 of AP.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Ofcers in the state are informed that India is celebrating 75th Anniversary of Independence on 15th August 2022. This occasion is being celebrated as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM), which commenced on 12th March 2021. Many Programmes have been formulated by different Departments by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for implementation across regions involving people from all walks of life. As part of the year long celebrations, the National implementation Committee under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Home Minister has decided that an initiative titled Har Ghar Jhanda will be launched and celebrated during 11th to 15 August,2022 encouraging and inspiring Organizations, Institutions and Citizens of India to hoist the National fag at their respective premises, invoking feelings of patriotism and national Pride.
As part of these celebrations, many programmes are planned in all Educational Institutions in the State from 11th to 15th August 2022;
- Selfies with National Flags (to be pinned / uploaded in
- Seminars, Group discussions, Essay Competitions, Quiz. Competitions in Dance, Drama, Music, Painting.
- Rallies, Cycle Rallies and Heritage walks.
- Posters and other relevant programmes. In this connection, vide ref.4 above it was also directed to conduct “Prabhat Pheries” in all educational institutions in the State from 11th to 15th August 2022. During “Prabhat Pheries”, the following events may be planned.
- School children to take out Prabhat Pheris (early Morning Walks)
- Sing Vande Mataram, Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram and other songs related to Freedom Struggle.
- Carry National Flags (Keeping in the view of Flag Code 2021)
- Play the Tiranga Anthem that is released on 2nd August on loud speakers.
As noticed in the Schedule of the AKAM programme along with Academic calendar of the SCERT, AP for the academic year 2022 -23 it is found that August 13th and 14th are second Saturday and Sunday respectively and are holidays. As such, this will adversely afect the preparedness for celebration of 75th Independence day in befitting manner and other programs planned under “Har Ghar Tiranga” and
“Prabhat Pheries”. In view of the above circumstances and also to encourage active participation of significant number of students in the above said programmes, it is decided to declare August 13th 2022 as a working day to all the schools under all managements in the state.
Therefore, all the Regional joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Offers in the state are instructed to take appropriate actions under their jurisdiction to declare August 13th 2022 as working day even though it is Second Saturday as per academic calendar 2022 – 23 for organising various activities panned under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) and necessary arrangements in school premises for celebrating the Independence day on 15th August in a befitting manner. The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously.