Implementation of delivery of ration at the door step of the Anganwadi Centers under Integrated Child Development Services scheme and Schools covered under Jagannana Gorumudda Scheme (formerly Mid Day Meals (MDM) Scheme) through Mobile Dispensing Units from October, 2022 - Instructions
Implementation of delivery of ration at the door step of the Anganwadi Centers under Integrated Child Development Services scheme and Schools covered under Jagannana Gorumudda Scheme (formerly Mid Day Meals (MDM) Scheme) through Mobile Dispensing Units from October, 2022 - Instructions - Issued - Reg.
Memo.No.1652460/MDM&SS/2022 Dated:-03/10/2022
Lr.No. PDS-11(4)2023/1/2022, Dated.30.09.2022 from the Commissioner of Civil Supplies Department, AP, Vijayawada.
As you are aware of that the Government of Andhra Pradesh is implementing the delivery of Rice and other scheduled commodities at the doorstep of the Rice card holders through Mobile Dispensing Units (MDUs) from February, 2021 in PDS.
The Hon'ble Chief Minister has instructed the Civil Supplies Department to supply the rice and other commodities at the door step of the Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) under Integrated Child Development Services scheme (ICDS) and rice to the Schools covered under Jagannana Gorumudda Scheme through Mobile Dispensing Units (MDUs) from the month of October, 2022.
The Civil Supplies Department issued orders to this effect in the reference read above (Copy enclosed) extending delivery from fair price shops to mobile dispensing units, to supply rice and other commodities at the door step of the Anganwadi Centers (AWCs) under Integrated Child Development Services scheme (ICDS) and rice to the Schools covered under Jagannana Gorumudda Scheme through Mobile Dispensing Units (MDUs) from October, 2022 on par with PDS by obtaining the same from the FP shops. The MDU operators shall receive the stocks from the FP Shop dealers under MDM and ICDS with authentication in ePoS on par with PDS commodities and deliver the stocks to the worker in AWCs of ICDS and Headmaster of concerned School covered under MDM.
Accordingly, the Civil Supplies Department has requested the State Informatics Officer, National Informatics Centre, Vijayawada to make necessary modifications required in the ePoS device on addition of new stride of door delivery distribution through MDUS under ICDS and MDM, in addition to existing mode of distribution and to prepare a flow chart on addition of new stride of door delivery distribution through MDUS with authentication by the MDU operator, in-charge of AWCS of ICDS and Head Masters (or) already mapped nominee of schools under MDM and also requested the District Collectors to take action on the following activities:
- I. Conduct of a Mandal level meeting with the FP Shop dealers, MDU operators, Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs). Head Masters of Schools covered under MDM and draw up an action plan of route map.
- II. The in-chargers of AWCS of ICDS and Head Masters of Schools under MDM and the MDU operators shall be in coordination with each other, during the delivery of ration.
- III.The MDU operators shall supply the stocks at the door step of AWCS of ICDS and Head Masters of Schools under MDM with authentication.
- Iv.Manual releases of stocks shall not be entertained at any level. Action shall be initiated against the MDU operator, in case of manual supply for any reason.
- v. The quantity allotted to each AWC of ICDS and Schools under MDM is minimal, ensure to distribute the stocks in one-go by the MDU operator and not allowed phase-wise/partly distribution of stock
- vi. The concerned VRO shall accompany with the MDU in the 1st month to guide and monitor the door delivery of commodities under IC and MD
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to co-ordinate with the District Collectors concerned and take immediate necessary action and issue necessary instructions to the Head Masters of Schools/ field functionaries to coordinate with the MDU operators and FP Shop dealers for release of stocks at the doorstep of the Schools under MDM through MDU with ePOS authentication only. These orders are comes in to force with immediate effect and shall be followed scrupulously and any deviation will be viewed serious
Encl: As above
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