APCFSS Decentralization of functional activities - District Treasuries & Accounts Officers (DTAOs) PAOs (Works) / APAOs (Works) to act as Ex-Officio Assistant Project Directors of APCFSS - Orders G.O.Ms.No.204
Finance Department - Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems and Services (APCFSS) - Decentralization of functional activities - District Treasuries & Accounts Officers (DTAOs) PAOs (Works) / APAOs (Works) to act as Ex-Officio Assistant Project Directors of APCFSS - Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.204 Dated : 21-11-2022.
Read the following: -
- GO Ms. No.192, Dated 07/10/2016 of Finance (IT) Department.
- GO Ms. No.203, Dated 21/10/2016 of Finance (IT) Department.
- Govt. UO Note No.16023/141Dir.(IT)/2017. Dated 27/03/2017 of Finance (OP.II) Department addressed to all Secretariat Departments.
- G.O.Ms.No.80, Finance (Budget.11-IT, FD, CFMS and Codifications), Dated:12.10.2021.
- DTA and DWA request through e Office File No. F1N51-11/96/2021-FIN-APCFSS.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh has established the Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems and Services (APCFSS) vide the Government Orders 151 and 2nd read above, with a key mandate to accelerate the implementation of processes, systems and controls on a continuous basis across all the Departments and ensure that the overall public financial governance is efficient, transparent and accountable.
The APCFSS has been incorporated as a not-for-profit company under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. APCFSS has a dedicated management structure that is operating independently, while the overall strategic control of the Government is maintained offering a vantage point for the Government of Andhra Pradesh to lay a strong foundation for implementing robust public finance systems. Further. the Government vide the U.O. Note 3rd read above have permitted APCFSS to render services to various Government departments and agencies in a seamless manner.
The Government vide the reference 4th read above, have issued orders for decentralization of functional activities, hitherto being handled by the APCFSS from the inception of Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS), to the Director of Treasuries and Director of Works and Accounts, Pay and Accounts Officer and the AP State Capital Region Treasury (APCRT), and which is under implementation. Further, the Government have inter-alia ordered that the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, the Director of Works and Accounts, the Pay and Accounts Officer to act as Ex-Officio Project Directors of APCFSS for all the aspects related to Receipts, Expenditure, Works. Accounting and HCM modules of CFMS Project.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts; and the Director of Works Accounts have proposed the Government to designate the District Treasuries and Accounts Officers (DTAOs) and PAOs (Works) / APAOs (Works) as Ex-Officio Assistant Project Directors of APCFSS. as they are playing a Pivotal role in the implementation of the CFMS , i.e., auditing and passing of bills, reconciliation of expenditure and receipts. PD accounts reconciliation, Maintenance of GPFIV accounts. NPS, Pensions, rendering monthly accounts to the Accountant General. etc.
After careful examination of proposal. the Government in order to properly channelize efforts in a focused and accountable manner in CFMS implementation & to improve agility in decision making hereby issue the following orders.
The District Treasuries & Accounts Officers (DTAOs) shall act as Ex-Officio Assistant Project Director, APCFSS in respect of Expenditure, Accounting, Receipts and HCM modules of the CFMS for effective implementation and monitoring.The Pay & Accounts Officer (Works) / Assistant Pay & Accounts Officer (Works) shall act as Ex-Officio Assistant Project Director (Works), APCFSS in respect of Works Management module of the CFMS.
The aforementioned Ex-Officio Assistant Project Directors concerned shall be responsible for the following activities.
- take ownership, drive their respective modules, support the Ex-Officio Project
Directors & the Core Business team in APCFSS and ensure that they are in compliance with the codal provision. - ensure that the end-users are satisfied with the CFMS services.
- escalate any new requirements I modifications in the existing CFMS modules
to respective Ex-Officio Project Directors for designing, developing & delivering the software systems and services, in accordance with the codal - obtain & escalate the field level in-puts to the respective Ex-officio Project
Directors of APCFSS, to enable them to arrive at practical software solutions. - ensure that the Divisional Sub Treasuries I Sub Treasuries resolve the incidents,
raised at the field level, if required, in consultation with the Ex-Officio Project Directors concerned & Core Business team of APCFSS.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, the Pay & Accounts Officer, the Director of Works & Accounts, the Ex-Officio Project Directors of APCFSS shall ensure compliance as per the above and the directions issued in the G.O. 4th read above.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, the Pay & Accounts Officer, the Director of Works & Accounts, Pay & Accounts Officer & the Chief Executive Officer, APCFSS shall take necessary action in the matter.
These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.