Correction of certain entries in SSC certificates / School records of the candidates -Issuing certain instructions
Memo.No. ESE02-21022/118/2022-TB SEC-CSE, 28/11/2022
Sub: School Education Correction of certain entries in SSC certificates / School records of the candidates -Issuing certain instructions -
Regarding. Ref:-G.O.Ms.No.1263, Education Department, Dt. 06.05.1961.
All the District Educational Officers / Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are informed that on verification of the proposals received from the DEO offices, it is noticed that the Headmasters / Dy. Educational Officers / Mandal Educational Officers are making corrections and attesting in school records in respect of candidate's name, father name mother name and Date of Birth of the candidates without orders of the DEO/RJDSE's of School Education in respect of the Primary School / Upper Primary and High School respectively.
In this regard, they are informed that as per the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.1263, Education Department, Dt. 06.05.1961 the school records up to I - IX classes, except SSC the District Educational Officers / Regional Joint Directors of School Education are authorized to issue orders for corrections in the school records. Without the orders of the DEO/RJDSE making corrections in the school records, it would be tantamount to tampering of school records which attracts disciplinary action as per rules in force.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the state are requested to issue instructions to all the Deputy Educational Officers / Mandal Educational Officers / Deputy Inspectors of schools / Headmasters not to make any correction in school records without the orders of District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education.