S Suresh Kumar, I.A.S.,
Commissioner of School Education,
‘B-Block, Anjenaya Towers’,
All the District Magistrate &
Collectors in the State.
Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-13/90/2021-EST3-CSE-Part(5), dt:02/12/2022
Sub: School Education - Nadu Nedu Academics – Work Adjustment of Subject Teachers/SGTs as per requirement in the Schools in all managements i.e., Govt/ZPP/MPP/Municipal– regarding.
Ref :
1. This office Procs.Rc.No.151A&I-2020, dt:18.10.2021.
2. This office Procs.Rc.No.151A&I-2020, dt:11.11.2021.
3. This office Procs.Rc.No.151A&I-2020, dt:14.11.2021.
4. G.O.Ms.No.84, School Education (Prog.II)Dept., dt:24.12.2021.
5. G.O.Ms.No.85, School Education (Prog.II)Dept., dt:24.12.2021.
6. This office Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-13/90/2021-EST3-CSE-Part(2)-1, dt:18.05.2022.
7. G.O.Ms.No.117, School Education(Ser.II)Dept., dt:10.06.2022.
8. This office Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-13/90/2021-EST3-CSE Part(7), dt:13.06.2022.
9. This office Rc.No. ESE02-13/90/2021-EST 3-CSE-Part(5) Date:04/07/2022.
10. This office Memo.No.ESE02-13/37/2021-EST 3-CSE – Part (5), Dated: 30.11.2022.
I invite the attention of all the District Magistrate & Collectors in the State to the references cited, wherein timely instructions were issued to all the District Educational Officers in the State to take up process of mapping the classes in the reference 6th cited. Accordingly, all the District Educational Officers in the State
have mapped 4943 Foundation Plus and Pre-High Schools to 3557 Pre-High Schools and High Schools.
In the reference 9th cited, instructions were issued to all the District Educational Officers in the State that to take up the work adjustment of Teachers in the following priority basis in all managements i.e.,
i. To depute the School Assistants on Work Adjustment basis to the High Schools (classes 3-10 & 6 – 10) is available to ensure that at least one individual Subject Teacher is available for each and every Subject.
ii. To depute the School Assistants on Work Adjustment basis to the High Schools where 3rd, 4th and 5th classes are mapped and to ensure that Subject teachers are allotted to 3rd, 4th and 5th classes also.
iii.To provide sufficient SGTs to Foundation Schools and Foundation Plus Schools.
Inspite of specific instructions, it was observed that adverse news articles are being published in the daily newspaper regarding the deficiency of school teachers in schools. Hence, specific instructions were issued to all the District Educational Officers in the State in reference 10th cited regarding the work adjustment to be made in respect of School Assistants for High Schools (classes 3-10 & 6 – 10).
Hence, you are requested to pay your personal attention in work adjustment of teachers in your respective districts as per the timely instructions issued from this office in reference 9th & 10th cited.
Further you are requested that, in case of non-availability of School Assistants qualified SGTs may be deputed to teach the subjects for High Schools. The priority on adjustment of teachers shall be as follows: teachers from within the mandal, nearby Mandal, within the division and nearby division.
They are also requested to ensure that, the nomenclatures in respect of Schools should be changed as per G.O.Ms.No.84, School Education(Prog.II)Dept., dt:24.12.2021 as detailed below:
1. Satellite Foundational Schools - PP1, PP2.
2. Foundation Schools – PP1, PP2, Class 1, Class 2.
3. Foundation Plus Schools - PP1, PP2, Class 1 to Class 5.
4. Pre-High Schools - Class 3 to 7/8.
5. High Schools - Classes 3 to 10.
6. High School Plus - Classes 3 to 12.
In view of the aforesaid circumstances, I request you to convene a meeting at your level with the following members as committee on 06.12.2022 at 03.00PM.
b. District Magistrate &Collectors(Erstwhile districts) - Chairperson.
c. District Magistrate & Collectors (New districts) - Co-Chairperson
d. District Educational Officer (Erstwhile Districts) - Convenor.
e. District Educational Officer (new Districts) - Member
The Senior Officers of School education department who are allotted as Special Officers for the districts will co-ordinate and assist the District collecors during the said exercise.
Further, you are requested to submit the details of teachers adjusted as per the above exercise in the following proforma on or before 08.12.2022 to this office.