Composite school grant for - Elementary, Secondary and Sr. Secondary Schools for the year 2022- 23 - Release of amount
Rc.No. SS-15024/36/2021-SAMO-SSA, Dt. 18/02/2023
Samagra Shiksha, AP - Quality - Composite school grant for - Elementary, Secondary and Sr. Secondary Schools for the year 2022- 23 - Release of amount to the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State - Orders - issued
1 AWP & B 2022-23
2 This Office Financial sanction order Rc.No.SS-15024/36/2021- SAMO-SSA, dt.28.08.2022 of the SPD, APSS.
3 U.O.NOTE No.SS-15024/36/2021-SAMO-SSA, dt.29.08.2022 of this office.
In continuation to the ref 3rd cited, the Finance Controller of this office is hereby informed that as per the availability of the funds in APSS 20% i.e., Rs. 2707.00 lakhs of the overall budget was released to the erstwhile districts (as per PAB 2022-23 approved) in the frst instance and further instructed to release 20% i.e., Rs. 2371.96 lakhs (based on present enrollment) to the districts and the details are as follows
Therefore, Under the powers vested with the State Project Director, A.P. Samagra Shiksha, sanction is hereby accorded to release an amount of Rs.2371.96 lakhs to the APCs of Samagra Shiksha in the state as shown above.
The Finance Controller of this office is requested to release the budget for Rs.2371.96 lakhs to the above Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State.
The above sanctioned amount for Rs.2371.96 lakhs shall be met from the intervention of Composite School grant of PAB 2022-23. (S.No. 118 & 119).
The Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby requested to release the budget to the Schools concerned immediately and upload the expenditure in PRABANDH portal without fail.