PRC 2022 - Revision of Pay Scales, 2022-Instructions for generation of the due drawn statement and validation -Instructions
Public Services - Revision of Pay Scales, 2022-Instructions for generation of the due drawn statement and validation -Instructions - Issued Circular Memo No. 1995193/1/PC-TA/2023, Dated: 26.02.2023.
1. G.O.Ms.No. 1, Finance (PC-TA) Department, Dated: 17.01.2022.
2. G.O.Ms.No. 103, Finance (PC-TA) Department, Dated: 11.05.2022.
3. Circular Memo No.1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022, dated 19.01.2022.
In the reference 1st read above, Government have issued comprehensive orders for implementation of Revised Pay Scales 2022 to all the Government employees.
In the reference 2nd read above, Government have issued orders revising the para 12 of the GO 1st cited, as detailed below:
The pay fixation arrears on account of the pay revision shall be calculated by a system generated due drawn statement, with details for the period from April 2020 to December 2021 as shown in Annexure-I. After validation by the concerned authority, the system generated proceedings of the due drawn statement will be printed and an entry shall be made in the Service Register.
The arrears arrived as per the above shall be paid at the time of retirement.
The detailed instructions for the generation of the due drawn statement and validation shall be issued separately.
As stated at Para 8 of the reference 3rd cited, the CEO, APCFSS is instructed to develop a module as ordered in the GO 2nd read above duly following the procedure laid down at para 5 of the reference 3rd cited.
All the Secretariat Departments and Heads of Departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Departmental Officers under their control to follow the above instructions scrupulously.
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