AP Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines, 2022 issued in G.O.Ms.No.187 read with amendment G.O.Ms.No.190 – Withdrawal of the GOs
Memo.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST 4-CSE Dt: 30.04.2023.
Sub: AP Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines, 2022 issued in G.O.Ms.No.187 read with amendment G.O.Ms.No.190 – Withdrawal of the GOs to enable the Government to come up with different framework to achieve the stated objective – Govt.Orders – Communicated.
1.G.O.Ms.No.187, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:10.12.2022.
2) G.O.Ms.No.190, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:21.12.2022
3) Orders Dt:26.12.2022 of the Hon'ble High Court of A.P in Transfers batch cases.
4) Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE-Part(1), Dt:27.04.23 to the Learned Advocate General, Hon'ble High Court of A.P.
5) G.O.Ms.No.39, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:29.04.2023.
While communicating a copy of the reference 5th cited, all Regional Joint Directors of School Education & District Educational Officers in the State are informed that, the Government has issued orders for withdrawal of the above G.O.Ms.No.187, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:10.12.2022 read with the amendment G.O.Ms.No.190, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:21.12.2022, to enable the Government to come up with the different frame work to achieve the desired objective in the matter. In view of the above, the under mentioned officers are requested to take necessary action, accordingly.
G.O.Ms.No: 39 Dated: 29.04.2023
Read the following:
G.O.Ms.No.187, School Education (Ser.ll) Department, dated. 10.12.2022. 2. G.O.MS.No.190, School Education (Ser.ll) Department, dated. 21.12.2022. 3. From the Commissioner of School Education, e-file Computer No.1749182.
In the G.O. 1st read above, the Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines, 2022, were issued and in the G.O.Ms.No.190, School Education (Ser.ll) Department, dated.21.12.2022, certain amendments were issued for ensuring of subject teachers in the High Schools and required number of teachers in Foundational Schools, Foundational School Plus,
2. In the reference 3rd read above, the Commissioner of School Education, has reported that, after issuance of above G.O.s, several teachers from all corners of the State have filled W.P.s before the Hon'ble High Court. The Hon'ble High Court has issued certain interim orders in certain W.P.s. The Department have filed common counter affidavits along with vacate stay petitions on the interim orders. The CSE, has therefore, requested the Government to withdraw the G.O.Ms. No.187, School Education (Ser.I) Dept., Dt:10.12.2022 read with amendment G.O.Ms.No.190, School Education (Ser-II) Department, dated.21.12.2022.
3. The Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby withdraw the above G.O.Ms.No.187, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., dated:10.12.2022 read with amendment G.O. Ms.No.190, School Education (Ser-II) Department, dated. 21.12.2022, to enable the Government to come up with different frame work to achieve the stated objective.
4. The Commissioner of School Education, shall take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.