Cabinet has approved a new centrally sponsored PMSHRI (PM Schools for Rising India) scheme on 07 Sep 2022 which will help showcase the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020 and emerge as exemplar schools over a period of time. The scheme aims to establish more than 14,500 PM SHRI Schools across the country with comprehensive, dedicated, and inclusive interventions to promote holistic transformation at all levels, including equity, access, quality, and inclusion.
The online portal (https://pmshrischools of PM SHRI schools has been launched on 03.11.2022. Furthermore, for a transparent selection method the selection of PM SHRI Schools has been done using the Challenge Method, wherein Schools self- applied on the Online Challenge portal. The Elementary schools (Class 1-5/1-8) & the Secondary Sr. Secondary Schools (Class 1-10/1-12/6-10/6-12) managed by Centre/State/UT Governments / local self-governments having UDISE+ code were considered for selection under the Scheme. Selection was done through three stage process
Stage-1: States/UTs signed MoU with Centre laying down the commitments for supporting these schools for achieving specified quality assurance as PM SHRI schools (B)
Stage-2: In this stage, a pool of schools that are eligible to be selected as PM SHRI Schools were identified based on prescribed minimum benchmark arrived at with the help of UDISE+ data
Stage-3: This stage is based on the challenge method for fulfilling certain criteria. Only the schools from the above benchmark schools competed to fulfil the challenge conditions. School of Urban areas needed to score minimum 70%, whereas Schools of Rural areas needed to score minimum 60% to be selected as PM SHRI Schools. Fulfilment of conditions was certified by states/KVS/JNV through physical inspection
After detailed deliberation, the expert committee approved 662 PM SHRI Schools (33 Elementary Schools and 629 Secondary/Senior Secondary Schools) for the first phase of selection and the list of the selected schools for your State/UT is at Annexure I
Further. States/UTs are requested to prepare the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) proposals for the Project Approval Board (PAB) meetings, Further, States may also propose state matching share as per the norms of the PM SHRI Scheme. States/UTS are also requested to designate a separate Single Nodal Agency (SNA) for funding of PM SHRI Scheme. The Project Approval Board (PAB) meetings will be convened in due course to initiate the necessary interventions in the PM SHRI Schools.
Effective implementation of this scheme will enable depiction of all components of NEP 2020 ensure quality education to our students and enable PM SHRI schools to represent as brand for quality education in the country. The success of the PM SHRI scheme will depend upon the co-operation and co-ordination of all the States/UTS