Providing internet connectivity in High Schools –Instructions
Rc No.ESE02-31/1/2023-IT-CSE Dt:- 24/04/2023
Sub:- School Education – IT Cell – Providing internet connectivity in High Schools –Instructions issued - Reg.
1.Lr. Rc.No.ESE02-31/16/2021-IT-CSE Dt:- 11.11.2022.
2. D.O. Lr.No.ESE02-31/1/2023-IT-CSE, Dt:-19.02.2023.
3. MoM held by Hon'ble CM,AP dated 10.04.2023.
The attention of all the District Educational Ofcers in the state is invited to the reference 1st and 2nd read above, wherein a letter was addressed to MD, APSFL to restore the internet connectivity in 3941 High Schools covered under VCR project, further a letter was addressed to M/s.BSNL to provide the internet connection for balance High/Pre-High Schools. Accordingly the process of giving network connection to all the High Schools & Pre-High Schools either through APSFL/BSNL for all the feasible locations the list of the schools are appended as ready reference.
Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are hereby directed to issue the following instructions to all the High School/Pre-High School Head Masters:
1. Internet connection will be provided by either APSFL / BSNL, and their respective Technical team will approach to the school for providing the Broad Band / Fibre connection.
2. Ensure the availability of the staf (atleast one person) on the day of installation.
3. The connection is setup with extra loop cable for enabling the Headmasters to move the connection to the convenient room (8th/9th class rooms).
4. The District ASOs/ APOs shall closely monitor and followup the same.
Top priority should be given to this item of work.
Restoration schools LIST DOWNLOAD