MBNN Phase-II – Instructions to District Education Officers and Additional Project Coordinators regarding completion of works by 12th June 2023
Circular.No. 2079341 /MBNN/2023 Dated:16/05/2023
Sub: - MBNN Phase-II – Instructions to District Education Officers and Additional Project Coordinators regarding completion of works by 12th June 2023 - issued - reg.
Ref:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.119 Dated: 22-06-2022 of School Education (PROG.II) Department.
2. In the review meeting minutes held on 12.05.2023, the Commissioner School Infrastructure instructions in the webex meeting.
The Government vide reference 1st read above, accorded administrative sanction approval for improving infrastructure facilities in 22344 Schools and other educational institutions with a total budget outlay of Rs. 8000 Crores, under Phase-II of Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu Programme. The target date for completion of Nadu Nedu works except ACRs and Compound wall is 12th June 2023. It is observed that the pace of Nadu Nedu works needs acceleration. The execution of these works need to improve so as to complete all works before schools reopen. After School reopening we should ensure that no adverse news appears on following items.
I. Incomplete works
II. Incomplete or partial installation of equipment.
III.Class rooms being utilized for storing cement, Iron and CPM Material.
Hence, All the District Educational Ofcers,Additional Project Coordinators and Executing agencies are instructed to expedite the execution of Nadu Nedu works and complete all the sanctioned works except ACRs and Compound Wall by 12th June 2023 and ensure no adverse news comes. The concerned APC and DEO should provide leadership to ensure the above are done on priority.