Filling up of the posts of Mandal Educational
Officers-II with the working MEOS belonging; to ZP Management and with
Headmaster Grade-II of ZP Management High Schools - Permission ORDERS
Govt.Memo.No.1438516/Ser.I/A1/2021, Dt:14.06.2023
School Education - Filling up of the posts of Mandal Educational
Officers-II with the working MEOS belonging; to ZP Management and with
Headmaster Grade-II of ZP Management High Schools - Permission accorded -
Orders issued Reg.
1. G.O.Ms. No:154 School education (Ser.) Dept, Dated; 16.09.2022.
From the Commissioner of School Education, Lr.Rc.No.
ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST 1- CSE and e-file Comp. No. 2070182, dt.
In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner of School Education, in the reference 2nd cited, Government hereby accord permission to him to fill up the posts of Mandal Educational Officers-II (i) with the existing MEOS of Z.P. Management (by transfer) and (ii) with the Headmasters Grade-II in Z.P. Management Schools (by transfer based on seniority and willing), subject to the outcome of all the Writ Petition (AT)s/Writ Petitions/Contempt cases and SLP if any pending before the Hon'ble Courts.
In this regard, he is informed that orders will be issued with regard to framing of service rules, in due course.
The Commissioner of School Education, is therefore, requested to take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.
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