Preferential Grounds / Medical Grounds in AP Teachers Transfers 2023 - Consider at District Level
Memo.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE-Part(3) Dt:03/06/2023Sub: School Education – Ensuring of subject teachers in the High Schools and required number of teachers in Foundational Schools, Foundational School Plus – AP Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2022 – Certain instructions issued – Reg.
1) G.O.Ms.No.47, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:22.05.2023.
2) This office Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE, Dt:22.05.2023.
3) Representations of certain teachers across the state.
The attention of all Regional Joint Director of School Education & District Educational Ofcers in the State are invited to the references cited and informed that, several representations have been received from teachers/DEOs to seek clarifcation on those diseases that are not covered under rule (9) of G.O.Ms.No.47 in the matter.
As per rule 9 of G.O.Ms.No.47 states that, “provided that any request for preference from Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher not belonging to any other categories under rule 9(a) to (k) shall be considered by the committee on case by case in public interest on medical grounds”.
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education & District Educational Ofcers in the State/respective committees are requested to take immediate necessary action on the representations on medical grounds/those diseases that are not covered under rule (9) of G.O.Ms.No.47 in consultation with the District Medical Board concerned at their end under the chairmanship of Collector & District Magistrate concerned.
All RJDs and DEOs are further directed to dispose all such cases at the district level and not to refer any cases to CSE for directions/ clarifications.
3) Representations of certain teachers across the state.
The attention of all Regional Joint Director of School Education & District Educational Ofcers in the State are invited to the references cited and informed that, several representations have been received from teachers/DEOs to seek clarifcation on those diseases that are not covered under rule (9) of G.O.Ms.No.47 in the matter.
As per rule 9 of G.O.Ms.No.47 states that, “provided that any request for preference from Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher not belonging to any other categories under rule 9(a) to (k) shall be considered by the committee on case by case in public interest on medical grounds”.
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education & District Educational Ofcers in the State/respective committees are requested to take immediate necessary action on the representations on medical grounds/those diseases that are not covered under rule (9) of G.O.Ms.No.47 in consultation with the District Medical Board concerned at their end under the chairmanship of Collector & District Magistrate concerned.
All RJDs and DEOs are further directed to dispose all such cases at the district level and not to refer any cases to CSE for directions/ clarifications.