Teacher Training Analysis Survey Form Link
Teacher Training Analysis Survey Form Link click here to open
ABOVE VIDEO LINK : https://youtu.be/XJl7fQlH69w
Teacher Training Analysis Survey Form Link click here to open
R.C.No.ESE02/572/2023-SCERT Dated: 07/09/2023
Sub:- School Education, AP - World Bank supported SALT project - continuous teacher training program for all the government school teachers - Teacher Need Analysis Survey (TNAS) for
understanding needs of teachers across all districts in Andhra Pradesh- orders –Issued- Regarding.
Ref:- 1. SALT- Programme.
2. E-mail received from the LFE on 28-08-2023.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the state are invited to the subject cited, as part of the World Bank supported SALT (Supporting Andhra's Learning Transformation) project, SCERT is releasing a Teacher Trainings Needs Survey form on 31s August, 2023 in order to facilitate the continuous teacher training program under the AP SALT Project. This survey holds great importance as it aims to collect the training requirements of our teachers, with the goal of developing need-based courses to enhance teaching practices, learning outcomes, and overall school management across the state.
Hence, the following actions are to be taken without exception:
1. Distribution of Survey Link: Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and Mandal Education Officers are responsible for ensuring that all teachers within their
jurisdiction receive the designated survey link.
2. Comprehensive Survey Completion: Survey link is rolled out via Chatbot and it has three forms embedded in it. Every teacher must register on chatbot using their phone number and must complete all three forms within the provided link. Post registration, a video is available on the chatbot with instructions on how to fill the form.
3. Submission Deadline: The survey must be completed and submitted by all teachers no later than September 6th, 2023.
Survey Chatbot Link:
Mobile App Link : https://cgweb.page.link/ydtsZHd4yTm7Fgod7
Weblink : https://web.convegenius.ai/?botId=0272034131427941
Failure to comply with this directive will hinder the creation of tailored blended courses for the academic year 2023-24, compromising the quality of education provided.
In this regard, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, all the District Educational Officers in the state are instructed to issue the necessary orders to all the Deputy Educational Officers, Mandal
Educational Officers, Headmasters and all Coordinators to ensure the seamless execution of this survey. Your proactive involvement is nonnegotiable and pivotal to achieving 100% submission rates in the Survey.
All the Additional Project Coordinators, Samgra Shiksha in the state are instructed to take necessary action in this regard and send the compliance repot to the under signed.
For any queries, please reach out to Smt. B. Lasya, LFE on Cell No.8523006494.
B Srinivasa Rao I A S
ABOVE VIDEO LINK : https://youtu.be/XJl7fQlH69w
Teacher Training Analysis Survey Form Link click here to open