AP Model School Teachers Salaries under 010 Head - Merging in CSE AP
G.O.Ms.No.23 Dated:15.03.2024
1. G.O.Ms.No.254, Finance (SMPC-I) Department, dated:03.12.2011.
2. G.O.Rt.No.245, School Education (Prog-1), Dt.22.12.2015.
3. G.O.Ms.No.37, Finance (HR-II) Dept., Dt.24.03.2022.
4. Govt. Memo. No. 2308839/2023-Prog.III, Dt. 27.12.2023.
5. From the CSE, Lr.Re.No. ESE02-11021/129/2018-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE, Dated: 04.01.2024.
6. From the CSE, Lr.Re.No. ESE02-11021/129/2018-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE, Dated: 06.03.2024.
The Model Schools Scheme was a Centrally Sponsored Scheme contemplated by the Government of India in 2009 to establish 6000 Model Schools throughout the country with standards on par with the Kendriya Vidyalayas template in Educationally Backward Blocks to promote and strengthen the Secondary Education with matching share of Central Government and State Government funding in the ratio 75: 25. Accordingly, 355 EBB Mandals were identified and approved by Government of India, to establish Model Schools in each identified mandal in combined State under Phase-I.
Thus, 163 Model
Schools were allotted in Andhra Pradesh (After Bifurcation) under Andhra
Pradesh Secondary Education Society (Regd.No.660/2009) with classes 6th
to Intermediate with English medium of instruction, from the academic
year 2013-14. Out of the Direct Recruitment teaching posts, 3,260 posts
were allotted to the State of A.P
2. In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have created and sanctioned teaching, non-teaching and outsourcing posts at State level, District Level and school level for the Model Schools with the pay scales, for 163 Model Schools.
3. Further, the Government of India has delinked the scheme of Model Schools from the support of the Government of India. As such, the APMS scheme stands transferred to the States/UTs for further appropriate action from the year 2015-16. Ever since, the APMS Society has been fully funded by the AP Govt. budget support. In the G.O. 2nd read above, Government have provided additional budget for providing salaries to the staff, under the sub Head of Account 310/312 (Grant-in·aid). Subsequently, the Head of Account changed into 060/061 (Grant-in-aid).
4. In the G.O. 3fd read above, orders were issued suppressing 4,764 surplus SGT posts (which was already in regular scale and under the Salary head of "010") in order to sustain/continue the 3,260 teaching posts in Model Schools in the state (163 Principals, 1,956 PGTs and 1,141 TGTs).
5. The Commissioner of School Education, in his letter 6th read above, has submitted the following, for consideration of the proposal:-
1. In School Education, the Mandal parishad / Panchayat Raj teachers who were earlier drawing salaries under the Head of Account" 311/312" ( Grant-in-aid) were considered by Government and brought under the salary Head of "010" i.e., regular salary head in 1989/90.
11. In Municipal Administration (now in Education) the Municipal teachers, were drawing salaries under Grant-in-aid head "310/312" and the Government considered their request and brought them under the Head of Account of "010", now being paid regular salary on par with Government teachers, since 2010/2011.
6. The Commissioner of School Education, has therefore, requested the Government (i) to merge the employees of AP Model Schools in Commissionerate of School Education, as a separate unit/cadre, since the service conditions are similar to the Government teachers, and
2. In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have created and sanctioned teaching, non-teaching and outsourcing posts at State level, District Level and school level for the Model Schools with the pay scales, for 163 Model Schools.
3. Further, the Government of India has delinked the scheme of Model Schools from the support of the Government of India. As such, the APMS scheme stands transferred to the States/UTs for further appropriate action from the year 2015-16. Ever since, the APMS Society has been fully funded by the AP Govt. budget support. In the G.O. 2nd read above, Government have provided additional budget for providing salaries to the staff, under the sub Head of Account 310/312 (Grant-in·aid). Subsequently, the Head of Account changed into 060/061 (Grant-in-aid).
4. In the G.O. 3fd read above, orders were issued suppressing 4,764 surplus SGT posts (which was already in regular scale and under the Salary head of "010") in order to sustain/continue the 3,260 teaching posts in Model Schools in the state (163 Principals, 1,956 PGTs and 1,141 TGTs).
5. The Commissioner of School Education, in his letter 6th read above, has submitted the following, for consideration of the proposal:-
1. In School Education, the Mandal parishad / Panchayat Raj teachers who were earlier drawing salaries under the Head of Account" 311/312" ( Grant-in-aid) were considered by Government and brought under the salary Head of "010" i.e., regular salary head in 1989/90.
11. In Municipal Administration (now in Education) the Municipal teachers, were drawing salaries under Grant-in-aid head "310/312" and the Government considered their request and brought them under the Head of Account of "010", now being paid regular salary on par with Government teachers, since 2010/2011.
6. The Commissioner of School Education, has therefore, requested the Government (i) to merge the employees of AP Model Schools in Commissionerate of School Education, as a separate unit/cadre, since the service conditions are similar to the Government teachers, and
(ii) to take their
services into the Government and to pay salaries to the teachers under
the salary head "010" on par with the Government teachers,
Panchayat/Municipal teachers.
7. Government, after examining the matter in detail, observed that, the APMS teaching staff are getting salaries 100% by the AP Government funding. To compare with other societies, the APMS Society is being funded by the State Government only, and also following all State Government service rules on par with State Govt. employees and framing of separate service Rules to the Model school staff are under consideration and no other Societies are having service rules to their staff. MLCs Committee earlier recommended to pay salaries to AP Modal School teachers under Salary Head "010", since Panchayat Raj/ Municipal teachers, are getting salaries under Head of Account "010".
7. Government, after examining the matter in detail, observed that, the APMS teaching staff are getting salaries 100% by the AP Government funding. To compare with other societies, the APMS Society is being funded by the State Government only, and also following all State Government service rules on par with State Govt. employees and framing of separate service Rules to the Model school staff are under consideration and no other Societies are having service rules to their staff. MLCs Committee earlier recommended to pay salaries to AP Modal School teachers under Salary Head "010", since Panchayat Raj/ Municipal teachers, are getting salaries under Head of Account "010".
The grounds for consideration of the proposal are:-
(i) The teaching Staff viz., Principals/ Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers are meritorious and being selected by way of Direct Recruitment on Merit -cum roaster.
(ii) The State/ Zonal system of appointment as per Presidential Orders are being followed in recruiting the teachers of Model Schools.
(iii)The teaching staff are being covered under the Regular pay scales of the department. The PRC extended to the teachers from time to time.
(iv)The Teachers of Model Schools are receiving Regular Financial benefits viz., Increment/ D.A/ Arrears, etc.,
(v) The scheme of Contributory Pension Scheme was also extended to all the teaching staff working in Model Schools.
(vi)The Teachers are drawing salaries from Regular budget provision of Head of Account" 060/061" [Grant-in-aid].
(vii) The teachers are discharging duties on par with the Government Teachers and bringing out better results from the students.
(viii)The State Rules viz., State and Subordinate Service Rules/Fundamental Rules and APCS (Conduct) Rules, are all applied to the teachers of Model Schools as well.
(ix) All rules applicable to regular Government teachers are being applied to teachers in AP Model Schools.
8. Accordingly, Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby order for merging the teachers of AP Model Schools in Commissionerate of School Education, and for payment of salaries to them under "010 Salaries" Head of Account.
9. The Commissioner of School Education, shall take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.
10. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, vide their U.O.No. FIN0l-FMUU0ASD/6/2024-FMU-SE, Dt. 20.02.2024.
Andhra Pradesh
Present : S.Suresh Kumar,I.A.S.,
Rc.No. ESE02-11021/129/2018-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE-Part(1),
Dated: 16/03/2024
Andhra Pradesh
Present : S.Suresh Kumar,I.A.S.,
Rc.No. ESE02-11021/129/2018-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE-Part(1),
Dated: 16/03/2024
Sub:- School Education – APMS – Merging of regular teaching staf of Model Schools in Commissionerate of School Education and payment of salaries through “010-Salaries” Head of Account – Government Orders - Communicated – Reg.
Ref: - G.O.Ms.No.23 SCHOOL EDUCATION (PROG.III) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 15.03.2024.
The immediate attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education & District Educational Ofcers in the State are invited to the reference read above, wherein the Government has accorded permission to the Commissioner of School Education, AP for merging of regular teaching staf of Model Schools in Commissionerate of School Education and payment of salaries through “010-Salaries” Head of Account.
Further the Government has also requested the Commissioner of School Education, AP shall take further necessary action in this matter. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education & District
Educational Ofcers in the State are hereby instructed to take further necessary action in the matter.
Encl. As above
S Suresh Kumar
Commissioner of School Education
Commissioner of School Education