MEO2 - FTA ALLOWANCE ORDERS Rc.No. ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST 2-CSE
Present: Sri.S.Suresh Kumar, I.A.S.,
Rc.No. ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST 2-CSE
Sub: School Education – Functions of MEO-II- Maintaing rapport/Synchronization with the line departments-Acccompanying the other fled level functionaries to travel to fled on predefned dates- Sanction of FTA@ Rs.1,000/- per month– Commuunicated–
Reg. Read: Govt.Memo.No.2144972/Services-I/A1/2024,Dated:29.02.2024.
A copy of the reference read above is herewith communicated to all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the state, and they are requested to take further necessary action in the matter as per the
Government Memo.
Encls: As above.
School Education rapport/synchronization Functions of MEO-II Maintaining with the line departments Accompanying the other field level functionaries to travel to field on predefined dates - Sanction of FTA @ Rs. 1,000/- per month Reg.
1. G.O.Ms.No.154, School Education (Ser.I) Dept., dt: 16.09.2022. 2. G.O.Ms.No.89, School Education (Ser.I) Dept., dt. 30.10.2023.
The attention of the Commissioner of School Education, is invited to the reference 2nd cited, wherein Government have issued orders prescribing Job Charts for MEO-I and MEO-II posts. In these orders, Mandal Educational Officer (MEO)-II, was assigned following other functions, besides the other academic/administrative functions:-
Social Audit of School, School Leadership training and Capacity building for the School heads (Principals/Headmasters), maintain the rapport with line departments. viz, Village & Ward Secretariat department, Women and Child Welfare Department, Panchayat Raj Department, Health and Family Welfare Department etc, to support the Mandal Educational Officer-I in performing his/her duties in the Mandal, to attend any other work as entrusted by the Higher authorities
2. As part of the other academic/administrative functions, the Mandal Educational Officer (MEO)-II, has to look after the non-teaching activities related to School Education including the Student Health, Mid-Day-Meal, Nadu Nedu, Community link program, Mainstreaming of out of school children etc.
3. As the nature of MEO-II work is in synchronization/rapport with other line Dept. employees like Mobile Doctor, Women and Child Welfare Officer, Village and Ward Secretariat Staff etc, he/she has to accompany the Mobile doctor and Women and Child Welfare Officer who are already traveling on predefined dates and have a vehicle for the purpose.
4. Accordingly, Government hereby direct that the Mandal Educational Officers (MEO)-II have to accompany the Mobile Doctors and Women and Child Welfare Officers, and other field level functionaries who are already traveling on predefined dates and have a vehicle for the purpose, to perform their functions/assigned duties.
5. Government, hereby accord sanction for an amount of Rs. 1,000/- [Rupees one thousands only] per month, towards payment of FTA to the Mandal Educational Officer (MEO)-II, on par with MEO-I.
6. The Commissioner of School Education, is therefore, requested to take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.