AP Samagra Shiksha, SIEMAT –NISHTHA Secondary Teacher Trainings in DIKSHA – Training though online – schedule and guidelines
Memo. No.SS-15024/27/2021-SIEMAT-SSA(2) dt.30/07/2021
Sub: AP Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh – Amaravati – SIEMAT –NISHTHA Secondary Teacher Trainings in DIKSHA – Training though online – schedule and guidelines- communicated. - reg.
Ref :Mail received from Central Institute of Educational Technology, New Delhi, dt.15.07.2021 & 20.07.2021
- The Attention of the District Educational Officers & Ex-ofcio Project Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIET in the state are invited to the reference cited and informed that NISHTHA secondary online teacher training on DIKSHA will be commenced from 01-08-2021.
- Further, it is informed that the NCERT has scheduled the NISHTHA Secondary online training from 1stAugust, 2021 to 28th February, 2022.
- This training is meant for all the teachers who are teaching from classes 9th to 12th and heads of institutions. This training is mandatory for all the said teachers of all managements.
- In this regard, it is informed that all the teachers have to download the DIKSHA app from the google play store and has to register with their mobile number, after getting registered in the app teachers have to fill their institution details like UDISE, treasury ID and mail ID.
- In view of the above all the District Educational Officers & Ex-ofcio Project Coordinators in the state are requested to select (2) active school assistants for each subject i.e.Telugu, Hindi, English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Biological Science, Physical Sciences and Social Studies) to act as KRP who are good at English, technology and presentation skills.
The selected KRP list may be sent to email : [email protected]. - In this connection, the District Educational Ofcers & Ex-ofcio Project Coordinators, Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIET are instructed to disseminate the information and take all necessary steps for 100% participation of teachers.
- This may be treated as priority item of work.