National Education Policy 2020 – Implementation plan for School Education - Universal provisioning of quality ECCE by2030 - Roll-out of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in a phased manner in Anganwadis and primary and upper primary schools – Transformation from 10+2 academic structure to 5+3+3+4 structure – Certain guidelines
Cir.No.172/A&I/2020, Dated:31/05/2021
Sub: School Education – National Education Policy 2020 – Implementation plan for School Education - Universal provisioning of quality ECCE by
2030 - Roll-out of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in a phased manner in Anganwadis and primary and upper primary schools – Transformation from 10+2 academic structure to 5+3+3+4 structure – Certain guidelines – Issued - Regarding.
Ref: National Education Policy 2020
New set up of schools
There will be three types of institutions i.e Pre Primary Schools (PP1
and PP2), Foundational Schools ( PP1, PP2, Preparatory Class I,
Classes 1 and 2) and Secondary Schools ( Classes 3 to 10/12) under
government sector.
YSR Pre primary schools and Foundational Schools
All the eeisting Anganwadi Centers will function as YSR Pre Primary
Schools with PP1 and PP2.
c. The eeisting primary schools will have Preparatory 1st class, Class I
and Class II and will be called Foundational Schools.
d. As far as possible, the Anganwadi centers will be colocated in the
schools. The colocation may be a) within the school building, b)
within the school premises, c) adjacent to the school, d) within 1 KM
from the location of the school building. In all such cases, the PP1
and PP2 of AWC (YSR Pre Primary School) and the Preparatory 1st
class, Class I and II of the Primary School will be the combined unit of
a foundational school.
e. In each foundational school there will be one SGT and he will look
after class I and II and in case the preparatory 1st class is introduced
in the school, the manpower deployment will be separate.
High Schools
f. The children now studying Class III to V in the eeisting primary
schools will now move to the nearest UP school or High School. For
this purpose, the nearest UP/High School within 3 KM radius of the
eeisting primary school be identifed.
g. An eeercise should be done to fnd out the eeisting capacity of the
UP School/ high school to accommodate such an additional intake
from the primary schools. If the eeisting accommodation is not
sufcient, how many additional class rooms are required to
accommodate such additional intake (of class III to V) to be worked
out. Such additional class rooms will be considered to be sanctioned
under Manabadi: Nadu Nedu.
h. After taking into such an additional intake, and if the strength is
going to be more than 150 in case of a UP school, such UP school
shall be upgraded in to High School.
i. If secondary schools is functioning with parallel media with in vicinity
of 5 KMs, may be proposed for eeclusively English Medium/ Telugu
Medium based on the enrolment in the particular medium.
j. All the SGTs teaching Class III to V in the primary school will now be
reapportioned to the high school, where the children from Class III to
V are going to be shifted.
Junior Colleges
k. With respect to the secondary schools, schools with high enrolment
File No.ESE02-30/124/2020-A&I -CSE-Part(1)
and adequate infrastructure may be proposed to upgrade as
secondary schools with 12th standard ( @ one or two per mandal)
and such potential schools to be identifed.
School Complexes
l. All schools which are constituted as Pre Primary, Foundational and
Secondary schools should be mapped with a school complee
(eeisting or newly proposed).
Parameters to be followed
m.Every pre primary school will be at the doorstep, the foundational school
within a radius of 1 km and the secondary school within a radius of 3 KM
from the habitation.
n. The student pupil ratio shall be as far as possible 1:30 in case of
primary, 1:35 in case of middle level and 1:40 in case of secondary
Non negotiables
o. In this process, no school shall be closed and no anganwadi center
be closed.
p. No student shall have to move beyond 3 KM in case he or she has to
move to an eeisting upper primary or high school.
10. In view of the above proposed restructuring, the District Education
Ofcers are requested to undertake the following detailed school mapping
a. Already the anganwadi centers have been mapped with the schools
by the Mandal Education Ofcers and the Project Ofcers of ICDS.
Based on the data, please identify, how many AWCs can be located
in the school premises or adjacent or within 0.5 KM and if site is
available (minimum 0.02 Acs), how many buildings can be taken up.
b. Map the primary schools with the eeisting UP schools and High
Schools and identify how many students of class III to V can be
shifted to the eeisting accommodation in the UP schools and high
schools during 2021-22 (current academic year) and how many
additional class rooms are required for shifting the remaining
students in a period of two years (2022-23 and 2023-24).
c. If the eeisting school compleees to be reorganized duly selecting the
high school as the central school, the details of those schools.
d. If Class XI and XII to be introduced in the secondary schools @ 2 per
mandal the details of those schools. For this purpose, those
secondary schools where additional class rooms sanctioned under
NABARD assistance under MBNN Phase I to be selected in the frst
e. Identify a Cluster Level Team consisting of CRP, Supervisor of ICDS
and 2 or 3 strong teachers within the cluster to guide, mentor the
Anganwadi teachers for handling PP sections efectively.
11. A google link/online services is being created separately for furnishing
the details of the above eeercise. The same may be furnished by 2-6-