NOC to go abroad to the Headmasters / Teachers working Govt. / ZPP / MPP Schools in the State applied through online – Certain Instructions
Rc.No.13021/13/2021-EST 3 Dated:27/08/2021.
Sub:- School Education – NOC to go abroad to the Headmasters / Teachers working Govt. / ZPP / MPP Schools in the State applied through online – Certain Instructions – Issued.
Read:- 1. Govt., Memo.No.16560/SE.Ser-1.2, dated.03/10/2009. 2. Procs.Rc.No.01/Estt.III/2016, Dt.11-01-2016 of this office
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education/District Educational Ofcers in the state are invited to the
reference 2nd read above and they are informed that, it was came to the notice of the Director of School Education, A.P. that some of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education/District Educational Ofcers in the state have submitted NOC online applications straight away to the Director of
School Education, AP, Amaravati without counter signing and not uploading the counter signed documents in their respective blocks
provided in the CSE web portal.
2. In view of the above, after careful examination of the matter, the Director of School Education, A.P., Amaravati is decided to not to entertain
such applications.
3. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education/District Educational Ofcers in the state in the state are requested to submit NOC
proposals in respect of Headmasters / Teachers working in Govt. / ZPP / MPP Schools in the State to go abroad through online duly uploading the counter signature of all the concerned MEO/DyEO & DEO/RJDSE. The applications received without counter signature of all the concerned
MEO/DyEO & DEO/RJDSE will be rejected straight away.
Chinaveerabhadrudu Vadrevu,