Rc.No.1268282/APSS/OSC/A10/2022, Date: 21/07/2022
Sub:- Samagra Shiksha, Amaravati - OSC Activities - Opening of NRSTCs - Guidelines, General Instructions to Implementation of Special Training Centers for Out of School Children in Non-Residential Mode (NRSTC) as per approved in PAB for the year 2022-23 - Orders - Issued - Reg.
Read: Approved PAB minutes – 2022-23, dated: 10.06.2022.
The District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are informed that, the PAB – 2022-23 approved the NRSTCs for 11331 identified Out of School Children under Non-Residential Mode i.e for 03, 06, 09 months.
District wise Centers, Volunteers details are as follows:
The time scheduled for undertaking different activities is as follows:-
Sl. No. | NRSTCs Activities | Timeline |
1 | Selection of School points for opening of NRSTCs | 22nd & 23rd July, 2022 |
2 | Inviting applications from eligible Volunteers | 25th & 27th July, 2022 |
3 | Selection of Volunteers | 29-07-2022 |
4 | Commencement of NRSTCs. | 29-07-2022 |
5 | Evaluation of competencies among children and fixing duration of spl.trg., | 29-07-2022 |
6 | Commencing of Special training | 01-08-2021 onwards |
7 | Periodical assessment of the children’s competencies for main streaming | Regularly |
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested to take necessary action to opening of NRSTCs duly following the guidelines issued along with this proceedings
Guidelines for organizing the Non-Residential Special Training Centers (NRSTCs) for the year 2022-23.
As per the provisions in the Right to Education Act (RTE Act 2009) it is mandatory to admit every child in a regular school in the age group of 6 14 years only in exceptional cases special provisions are made to provide Special trainings to the children, who had never been admitted in any school or though admitted, could not complete his or her Elementary Education after he or she is admitted in an age appropriate class and found short of required competencies to be at par with their peer group.
Non-Residential Special Training Centers (NRSTCs):
1. By the continuous efforts of Samagra Shiksha many Out of School Children were admitted in regular schools. But, still 11456 children were identified for imparting residential special training and 11331 children are approved in AWP & B of 2022-23 are to be upload in the Prabandh Portal. As there is a need to provide Special Training in Non-Residential mode for the period of 03, 06, 09 months to the children.
2. Out of School Children have been identified & approved in PAB of 2022-23 for imparting the Special Training through Non-Residential mode in the A.Y 2022-23. The Non-Residential Special Training Centers (NRSTCs) shall start functioning immediately as per the schedule and these will be run by engaging the Teacher/Education Volunteers.
3. The OoSC Children approved by the PAB-2022-23 for special training
will be enrolled at their age appropriate class. The concern class teacher/ head master will be instructed to issue certificate for the requirement of duration of the special training (NRSTC 3/6/9 months) based on the children academic performance.
4. In this context, achievement of the objective of providing special training to children in true spirit depends on the Teacher/Education Volunteer's commitment, sincerity, experience and also the timely support from the Project side. In view of this, the Additional Project Coordinators have great deal of responsibility to exercise utmost care in selection of good Teacher Volunteers with high integrity and sincerity. The Additional Project Coordinators (APCS) shall own the responsibility of maintaining transparency in the process of selectionwill be enrolled at their age appropriate class. The concern class teacher/ head master will be instructed to issue certificate for the requirement of duration of the special training (NRSTC 3/6/9 months) based on the children academic performance.
4. In this context, achievement of the objective of providing special training to children in true spirit depends on the Teacher/Education Volunteer's commitment, sincerity, experience and also the timely support from the Project side. In view of this, the Additional Project Coordinators have great deal of responsibility to exercise utmost care in selection of good Teacher Volunteers with high integrity and sincerity. The Additional Project Coordinators (APCs) shall own the responsibility of maintaining transparency in the process of selection of Teacher/Education Volunteers.
5. The Non-Residential Special Training Centers (NRSTCs) should be set up at School point under the supervision of MEO/Head Master, this norm may be relaxed in case of school less habitations where the distance is more than 1KM for primary and more than 3 KM for upper primary and also hilly areas, remote areas and where the habitations with natural barriers, the NRSTCS may be opened out of school point with the prior permission of the State Project Director. No NGO is eligible to run these NRSTCs. The ALSCO (Alternative Schooling Coordinators) and MEOS (Mandal Educational Officers) should take responsibility for identification of school points where NRSTCs are required to be started keeping in view the number of OoSC prevailing and approved in their districts. It should be ensured that all children from special training centers are mainstreamed into regular schools after completion of the training and children once mainstreamed are not eligible to enroll in special training centers again
6. The NRSTC should be organized with a minimum strength of 20 by engaging one Teacher/Education Volunteer. This norm may be relaxed in case of remote/School-less habitations/hilly areas andagency tracks NRSTC will be organized with a minimum strength of 13 Children.
Sanctioning Authority to NRSTCS:
7. The Collector & District Magistrate and Chairman of Samagra Shiksha is the competent authority to sanction Non-Residential Special Training Centers (NRSTCs).
Committee for Selection of Teacher Volunteers for NRSTCs:
8. The Additional Project Coordinator (APC) shall scrutinize the applications received thoroughly with abundant care. The merit criterion shall be followed by taking merit in both academic and professional qualifications. The selection shall be done by the following committee.
1The Collector & District Magistrate and Chairman of Samagra Shiksha, Chairman
2 The District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio Project Coordinator of Samagra ShikshaMember
3 The Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha.Member
4 The Principal, Govt. DIET College.Member
5 ALS Coordinator of District Project Office.Member
6 One Mandal Educational Officer Member
9. The candidates shall be chosen within the native mandal by taking Gram panchayath/Habitation as a Unit, if the qualified persons are not available within the Gram panchayath/Habitation then they may be chosen within the Mandal or within the native division.
10.In the agency/tribal areas volunteers shall be choose from the local tribal only.
Eligibility & Qualification for the Teacher / Education Volunteers:
11.The minimum qualification for the Teacher/Education Volunteers should be inter with D.Ed., or equivalent for primary level and graduation with B.Ed., for upper primary level. Preference will be given to the TET qualified candidates if available.
Period of service:
12.The services of Teacher/Education Volunteer will be purely temporary on contract basis and for a limited duration as per period of NRSTC of the Academic year 2022-23.
13. The honorarium for Teacher/Education Volunteer is Rs.7500/- per month. The selected volunteer is not eligible for claiming any other allowances except honorarium. The Teacher Volunteers shall be issued appointment proceedings through the Collector & District Magistrate and Chairman of Samagra Shiksha. The selected Teacher/Education Volunteer shall execute a MOU with the Additional Project Coordinator (APC) concerned. The honorarium for the teacher volunteer shall be credit into their bank accounts only.
Enrolment of Children:
14.All the approved & identified children are immediately enrolled in their age appropriate class in nearby school. The Headmaster/Teacher of the concerned school will assess the competencies of the children. Based on the recommendations of the concerned Teacher/Headmaster the child will be enrolled in NonResidential Special Training Centers (NRSTCs). Every child should be given a unique id, such as Aadhaar Number. The Teacher/Education Volunteer of the NRSTC concerned shall, compulsorily, enroll all the children on the basis of Aadhaar Number only. The CRPS and the volunteer are mainly responsible for the enrollment. The MEO/District ALS Coordinator concerned shall supervise the enrolment process and ensure that all the children are given Aadhaar Number as unique id.
Child Profile:
15. The selected Teacher Volunteer running the Non-Residential Special Training Centers (NRSTCs) should maintain the Child Profile along with AADHAR Seeding.
Modules for imparting Special training:
16. The special modules for imparting special training to the OoSC will be distributed to the children. The modules consist in the subjects of Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, Science and Social Studies will be provided by the State Project Office.
Orientation - cum - training to the volunteers:
17.A Five (5) day orientation-cum-training programme is planned for the Teacher/Education Volunteers as soon as they assume duties for enhancing the teaching abilities and other latest methodologies & techniques.
Periodical Assessment:
18. The selected Teacher / Education Volunteers should strictly follow and implement the RTE rules. They should asses the competency levels of the children based on the "Basic Assessment Tool" which will be supplied by the State Project Office at the earliest. This willenable the Teacher/Education Volunteer concerned to specify the period of Special Training required for the child. The duration of Special Training required may vary from child to child. The neighbor school teacher, headmaster is continuously monitoring the assessment process. The assessment is in oral/written method.
19.The eligible and identified children for Special Training through NRSTC must be entered the data in Praband Portal. The children after acquiring the desired/class appropriate competencies they may be mainstreamed into regular class where they are already enrolled.
Procurement of TLM:
20. TLM(Model, flash cards, drawing sheets, crayons, thermocol sheets) per center @Rs.1000/- will be procure through District Purchase Committee (DPC) under the Chairmanship Collector & District Magistrate and Chairman of Samagra Shiksha.
21.The Cluster Resource Person is directed to enroll the identified OOSC children in Special Training centers and visit each NRSTC in their jurisdiction at least twice in a week and submit a detailed report to the ALS Coordinator time to time.
22.A sum of Rs.500/-(Rupees Five hundred only) towards stationary (Rs.200/-) school bags (Rs.200/-) and Chappals (Rs.100/-) for each child will be transferred directly to the child/Parents Bank accounts only. In case of orphans, the amount will be credited to their Guardian accounts only. The acquaintance and the transfer details should be submitted to the State Project Director.
23.The Teacher Volunteers should not be used for teaching work as substitute in the place of regular teacher in regular schools.
The General Instructions for Non-Residential Special Training Centers (NRSTCS) for the year 2022-23):
1. The sanctioned strength for NRSTC is 20 children. This norm may be relaxed in case of remote/School-less habitations/hilly areas and agency tracks NRSTC will be organized with a minimum strength of 13 Children. At any given point of time the minimum strength of children in the center should not be less than 10.
2. The Organizers of the NRSTCs shall submit their bills to the Additional Project Coordinator on or before 5th of the succeeding month. The bills shall invariably accompany with the following documents in original.
a. Photo copy of Official Visitors Register(OVR) of that particular month (attested by NGO).
b. Utilization certificate. c. Bills of expenditure.
d. Statement of expenditure.
e. Reports of visitors (attested). f. Monthly report by Volunteer.
g. MEO attested copies of attendance Register of children.
h. MEO attested copies of attendance Register of staff.
i. RTGS amount transfer statement copies.
j. It is proposed to mandate the minimum number of visits to be made
by the following Officers in a month as shown below:
k. The Additional Project Coordinator shall visit the NRSTC at least once
in a month..
1. All NRSTCs in the district shall be visited at least 2 times in a month by the DPO's staff. For this, the Additional Project Coordinator may allocate/assign the total NRSTCs in the district among ALSCO /CMO/IE Coordinator/Assistant ALSCO/AMO/GCDOS and other sectoral officers.
m. The concerned neighbor school Headmaster shall visit the NRSTC at least thrice in a week.
n. The MEOS under whose mandal the NRSTC is situated shall visit the NRSTCS at least twice in every week. o. The Cluster Resource Person (CRP) under whose cluster the NRSTC is
situated shall visit the NRSTC at least 4 (four) times in a week.
The said visiting officers shall invariably record all the observations and
submit the visit reports time to time to the District Project Office as well as the State Project Office.