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Rc.No. 03/E2/2022 Dated: 28-09-2022
Sub:-National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Examination, 2022-23 Conduct of Examination Certain information and guidelines to all DEOS in the state - Reg.
Ref: This office Press note Rc. No: 03/E/2022 dated 28.09.2022.
2022-23 విద్యా సంవత్సరములో జరగనున్న నేషనల్ మీన్స్ కమ్ మెరిట్ స్కాలర్షిప్ పరీక్ష (NMMS) కొరకు ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ రాష్ట్రంలోని 8 వ తరగతి చదువుచున్న విద్యార్థుల నుండి దరఖాస్తులు ఆహ్వానించబడుచున్నవి. ఈ పరీక్ష వ్రాయుటకు రాష్ట్రంలోని ప్రభుత్వ, జిల్లా పరిషత్, మునిసిపల్, ఎయిడెడ్, 8వ తరగతి నడపబడుచున్న మండల పరిషత్ ప్రాధమికోన్నత పాఠశాలలు మరియు వసతి సౌకర్యం లేని ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ఆదర్శ పాఠశాలలలో 8 వ తరగతి చదువు
చున్న విద్యార్థులు అర్హులు. పరీక్ష రుసుము ఓ.సీ మరియు బి.సి విద్యార్థులకు రూ.100/- మరియు యస్.సి. యస్.టి విద్యార్థులకు రూ.50/- దరఖాస్తులను ఆన్ లైను లో 30-09-2022 నుండి స్వీకరించబడును. ఆన్ లైను లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకొనుటకు చివరి తేదీ 31-10-2022 మరియు పరీక్ష రుసుము చెల్లించుటకు చివరి తేదీ 31-10-2022. పరీక్ష రుసుమును SBI Collect ద్వారా మాత్రమే చెల్లించవలెను. పూర్తి వివరముల కొరకు ప్రభుత్వ పరీక్షల సంచాలకుల కార్యాలయపు వెబ్ సైటు www.bse.ap.gov.in నందు లేదా సంబంధిత జిల్లా విద్యాశాఖాధికారి కార్యాలయంలో తెలుసుకొనగలరు అని ప్రభుత్వ పరీక్షల సంచాలకులు తెలియజేసారు.
I wish to inform you that it is decided to conduct the written examination for the students studying VIII Class during the academic year 2022-23, under the National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship scheme sponsored by the Ministry of Education, New Delhi. The Examination will be conducted in all the Revenue Divisional Headquarters of 26 Districts of Andhra Pradesh..
The Government of India is very particular about the NMMS scheme and instructing this office to see that every meritorious candidate who is studying VIII class should appear for NMMS examination through concerned eligible schools and see that the scholarships allotted to Andhra Pradesh state should be fully utilized by the eligible economically backward meritorious candidates. Moreover see that even one scholarship should not be lapsed.
The DEOS are also requested to take necessary steps to increase the enrollment of candidates for this examination as it helps the students to increase their competitive spirit in their further studies.
Under this scheme, selection of the candidates for award of scholarships will be made through conduct of written examination for those who have passed class VII for the academic session 2021-22 and promoted to class VIII for the academic session 2022-23. The main objectives of this examination are:
- To award of scholarships to the meritorious students who are studying in Government/Zilla Parishad/ Municipal / MPUP (Running 8th class)/AP Model (Day scholars only)/Government Aided Managements whose parental annual income is below Rs.3,50,000/-.
- To arrest dropouts at Class VIII and to encourage those students to continue their studies till class XII.
- To encourage the meritorious students those who are economically poor.
a) Scholarship:
Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of performance in examination. The scholarship starts from Class IX and would continue till Class XII @ Rs. 12,000/- per annum subject to fulfillment of conditions issued by Ministry of Education, New Delhi.
b) Reservation:
State reservation norms will be implemented for award of scholarships in each district.
c) Eligibility:
- candidates who got minimum 55% of marks for OC/BC candidates and 50% for i) SC/ST in VII Standard.
- ii) are studying in Government/Zilla Parishad/Municipal/MPUP (Running 8th class)/ AP Model (Day scholars only)/Government Aided Schools are only eligible to appear for the examination.
- whose parental annual income is below Rs.3,50,000/- from all sources is eligible to appear for the examination (an Income certificate from Mandal Revenue Officer has to be submitted as proof in original ).
d) Examination:
It comprises two parts, namely
- (i) Mental Ability Test (MAT) and
- (ii) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) covering Social Sciences, Sciences and Mathematics of classes VII & VIII. MAT & SAT will have 90 multiple choice questionseach testing verbal and non-verbal meta -cognitive abilities like reasoning and critical thinking. Each question will carry one mark. 30 minutes extra per each session will be provided for Physically disabled candidates.
E Merit List:
Merit list of candidates will be prepared for each district separately. The students must pass both the tests i.e., MAT and SAT with at least 40% marks in aggregate taken together for these two tests. For the SC/ST students, this cut off will be 32% marks.
f) Eligibility conditions for continuing of scholarship at Secondary and Higher Secondary Stage:
- a. No Scholarship at this stage is payable for studying diploma/certificate level courses/who joined in private junior colleges.
- b. For continuing the scholarship student should get clear promotion from Class IX to Class X and from Class XI to class XII in the first attempt.
- c. The awardee must obtain a minimum of 60% marks in Class X (Relaxable by 5% for SC/ST).
g) Examination Fee:
- For General & Backward Castes Students:
- For Scheduled Caste & Scheduled tribe Students: Rs.100-00 Rs. 50-00
- Examination fee has to be paid through SBI Collect only. The payment link is provided on the online application itself.
In this connection 1 request you to inform about the scheme to all the Heads of Government/Zilla Parishad/Municipal/Government Aided High Schools under your jurisdiction by issuing notification/circulars and also conduct a meeting with Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers to spread the NMMS scheme to gross root level. Also see to publish the same in all local reputed daily News Papers, Electronic Media and direct the Heads of the Institutions through Dy.EOs or SMS/Print Media regarding this examination.
h) The Printed Nominal Rolls duly signed by the Headmaster/Principal of the school should be submitted along with relevant documents to the District Educational Officer concerned.While receiving the nominal rolls from the headmasters, the following certain points have to be observed: Constitute receiving counters for each Revenue Division in the DEO's Office to receive printed Nominal Rolls and other required Documents.
- i) Receiving staff should ensure whether the candidate studying VIII Class during the current academic year in Zilla Parishad/Government /Municipal High Schools/MPUP (running with 8th class)/AP Model (Day scholars only)/Government Aided High Schools only.
- ii) Receiving staff should ensure whether the candidate has secured eligible
- marks or equivalent grade i.e., B grade for all categories in VII class.
- iii) Receiving staff should ensure whether the latest attested income certificate is enclosed as per norms applicable.
- iv) Verify whether the examination fee is paid through SBI Collect or not? Verify that the amount printed on SBI Collect receipt is tallied with the amount printed on the Printed Nominal Roll and ensure the appearance of SBI Collect reference number in DEO Login.
- v) Ensure whether the Attested copy of Caste Certificate issued by the MRO is enclosed to the Nominal Rolls.
- vi) Ensure whether the Headmaster has submitted set of Nominal Rolls with a certificate stating that all the particulars submitted by them are verified and found correct along with the SBI Collect Receipt and required documents are as detailed below.
During the course of the receipt of the Nominal Rolls the receiving clerks should verify the SBI Collect Reference number and candidate particulars with the link given by this office especially Date of Birth, Community, Physical Handicapped status, Income group and eligible marks printed in vii) Nominal Rolls with reference to the certificates submitted by the Headmaster/candidate. Necessary funds will be allotted to meet the required expenditure towards the conduct of the Examination. Necessary instructions for the conduct of examination will be issued well in advance.