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Vidyanjali-2.0- A School volunteer program for improving quality of school education - instructions

 Vidyanjali-2.0- A School volunteer program for improving quality of school education - instructions

Memo.No.SS-15021/20/2021, dt.28/09/2022 



Sub:A.P.S.S- Vidyanjali-2.0- A School volunteer program for improving quality of school education - instructions- issued.

Ref: D.O.No.4-1/2022-KT date d 21st September, 2022 from Secretary ,DoSE&L, Ministry of Education , GoI, New Delhi

All the District Educational Officers& Ex-Ofcio Project Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that the Secretary, DoSE&L,MoE, New Delhi has stated that the 'Vidyanjali 2.0' is an online portal launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister on 7th September, 2021 with the aim of strengthening the infrastructure, facilities and improving the quality of education in Government and Government aided schools by soliciting voluntary contributions and support from the citizens and persons of Indian origin, institutions,
companies and civil societies, etc. 

The Secretary, DoSE&L, New Delhi has informed that a volunteer can
contribute through the Vidyajali portal either by

  •  providing services
  •  Assets/material/equipment.

A) Under 'services' a volunteer can provide subject assistance, assistance for teaching art & craft; yoga; sports; vocational skills; languages, teaching assistance for children with special needs, providing nutritional support in addition to mid-day meals etc, or provide sponsorship of trained counselors, special educators, sponsoring medical camps by doctors, sponsoring for participation in sports & cultural events, sponsoring for self-defense training etc. 

B) The broad categories of contribution under'assets/material/equipment' include basic civil infrastructure, basic electrical infrastructure, classroom support materials and equipment, digital infrastructure, equipment for extra-curricular activities & sports, yoga, health and safety aids, teaching learning materials/ learning equipment, maintenance & repairs, ofce stationary/furniture, Support services /needs etc. Contribution of assets/material/equipment cannot be in the form of any monetary support.

It is informed that, the schools post their request for contribution on the portal. The Volunteers interested in the program can easily connect with the schools of their choice by following the given simple steps:

  • Log in the portal (https://vidyanjal i. education. gov. in/en) as Individual volunteer/ organization/company/PSU/ NRl
  • Select school for contribution
  • Select type of contribution
  • Fill the required details
  • Provide the required services/assets /materials

Further, the Secretary, DoSE,&L, New Delhi has informed the State to disseminate the information among Offers, Staf of the departments Regional/State/Districts/Autonomous bodies and schools etc., so that they may also volunteer or contribute to the cause of School Education and Kindly to encourage PSUs/Autonomous Bodies organizations under the control of state authority to also contribute to through CSR or individually to help schools and learners to achieve the goals of Atma Nirbhar Bharat.
Hence they are requested to give wide publicity for the Vidyanjali portal in the local print and electronic and social media. So that the alumni and parents associations can also contribute through the Vidyanjali portal.The wide publicity may be in the form of

  • Display of posters,brochures
  • Conducting awareness programs among staf,parents and students by School heads and DIET Principals
  • Conducting rallies & campaigns by DIET students and staff on Vidyanjali 2.0
  • Conducting meetings with school management committee, community and volunteers at School, Mandal and District level.
  • Organizing short plays on Vidyanjali 2.0 concept
  • Door to door campaign to identify volunteers in nearby villages by staf and Head of the institutions
  • Conducting online webinars to invite NGOs for Volunteer contribution
  • Sending Press notes to vernacular news papers
  • Conducting state, District, Divisional and Mandal level meetings with local volunteers ,NGOs and peoples representatives.
  • Registering schools with raising requests and and promoting volunteers registrations and contributions in Vidyanjali 2.0 portal.

Further they are informed that, a training program is to be conducted at District / Block level staf of Education department on the Vidyanjaliportal through so that they can in turn provide necessary training to the schools under their jurisdiction. Therefore all the District Educational Ofcers& Ex-Ofcio Project Coordinators and all the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are instructed to issue suitable instructions to the Schools ,Block Level Ofcers and all stake holders immediately without fail.

Encl: Information Brochure.

Vidyanjali brochure pdf Download

Vidyanjali raising request Process Download

Volunteer registration process Download

Vidyanjali registration Process Download

Vidyanjali 2.0 samagra siksha proceedings Download

REGISTRATION VIDEO LINK : https://youtu.be/DQfdO4DdAjk





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