Sub School Education - Regularization of vocational instructors - Counting 1: of the pre-regularization service rendered by the vocational instructors for purpose of pension & pensionary benefits - Orders of the Hon'ble APAT in O.A.No.2889 of 2015 Dt:27.04.2017 Government Orders issued Communicated - Certain information called for Regarding.
Ref: 1) This
2) M.A.Diary No.26869 of 2022 ini SLP (C) Diary No.7474 of 2020.
3) G.O.Ms.No.179, School Education (Prog.l) Dept., Dt:18.11.2022. 4) Note orders Dt:24.11.2022 in efile No.ESE01-SENOCSE/93/ 2021- PROG-1.
The attention of all District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference 3rd cited and informed that, the Government issued orders to implement the Orders of Hon'ble APAT in OA No.2889/2015, Dt:27-04-2017 read with the common orders dated 20-01-2020 in W.P. No.1425 /2019, WP No.973 of 2020 and batch, which was upheld in SLP(C) No.7474 of 2020 dated 08-02-2021. Further, the Government permitted the C&DSE., A.P to count the pre-regularized service rendered by the vocational instructors for the purpose of pensionary benefits in consultation with the PFRDA & the Finance Department. Copy of the G.O.Ms.No.179, School Education (Prog.l) Dept., Dt:18.11.2022 is herewith communicated.
Further, the Government requested the CSE., A.P to furnish the service particulars of vocational instructions in the State i.e. no. of applicants who were retired, regularization orders, service details prior to regularization and pay particulars and other relevant material to the Government immediately, for taking further course of action in the matter.
In view of the above, all District Educational Officers in the State is requested to furnish the details of vocational instructors in the State in the given proformas (Proforma I Abstract; Profroma II Working Vocational Instructors; Profroma III Retired Vocational Instructors) on or before 03.12.2022 for onward submission to the Government for taking further course of action in consultation with the Finance Department in the matter.
Encl: As above.
Muvva Ramalingam
For Commissioner of School Education