INSPIRE AWARDS- MANAK Scheme 2022-23 District Level Inspire Science Exhibition Schedule
Proc.Rc.No: ESE02-22/9/2024-SCERT Dated: 03/02/2024
Sub : - School Education - SCERT, AP, Amaravati – INSPIRE AWARDS- MANAK Scheme- Organization of District and State Level Exhibition and Competitions (DLEPC and SLEPC) and Selection of Jury Members for DLEPC and SLEPC for the year 2022- 23-Instructions-Issued-Reg.
Ref : 1.Lr. From Department of Science and Technology Outward No:142646, Dated- 30th November,2022
2.Lr through email from Mahesh Patel Scientist, NIF, Coordinator Dated.30.11.2023
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Ofcers in the State is invited to the references read above, wherein they are informed that INSPIRE Awards -MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge) is one of the fagship scheme of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India.
Further, they are informed that 39000 students have submitted nominations during the year 2022-23 and 3448 were selected for the INSPIRE Awards-MANAK. The list of selected students have been uploaded in the E-MIAS website ( The award money of the selected students have already been transferred directly to their accounts through PFMS.
In this connection, the Department of Science and Technology, GoI has requested to direct the district authorities concerned to conduct the District Level Exhibition - 11th DLEPC at the earliest possible time. It may also be ensured that the State Level Exhibition (SLEPC) is conducted latest by November, 2023 (as per DST letter). The senior scientist Mr.Mahesh Patel, NIF Coordinator has suggested through email to organize DLEPCs in /offline mode, SLEPC may also be organized in offline mode.
The DLEPCs should be completed offline/physical mode as per Annexure II (attached). Certain districts with less number of nominations are merged and permission may be accorded to one district to conduct DLEPC. The assessment should be done by the Jury members selected by the District Educational Ofcers and NIF. The list of selected Jury members of the districts to be send to the State for the conduct of DLEPC and SLEPC. The assessment should be continued till all the entries get evaluated. The honorarium will be paid to the Jury members from the districts.
The process of conduct of above programme is given in Annexure I. It is also decided to conduct SLEPC in offline/physical mode. SLEPC to be conducted by CHITTOOR district. The process of selection of Jury members for SLEPC and conduct of assessment is followed as in the case of DLEPC. The tentative dates for conduct of DLEPC are given in the Annexure II.
The estimated budget should not be more than Rs.1500 per project in DLEPC. The total amount will be credited to the account of District Educational Officers concerned of the district for conduct of DLEPC. The
SLEPC dates will be from 18-20th February/any other convenient dates by the DEO of Chittoor as the budget for conduct of SLEPC can be quite higher. The funds for SLEPC will be released soon after the release of the same from DST.
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to direct the District Science Officers for smooth conduct of DLEPC at District level and select the district wise toppers. The SLEPC to be conducted at CHITTOOR and select the state toppers.
The District Educational Officer, CHITTOOR is instructed to issue necessary instructions to the District Science Officers to take necessary action for smooth conduct of SLEPC.
These instructions should be disseminated to all the field functionaries concerned without any delay.
The following guidelines to be followed for conduct of DLEPC and SLEPC:
• The assessment will be done by selected Jury members from the districts and NIF team according to the given pattern by NIF in Annexure II.
• The conduct of DLEPC and selection of Jury members for DLEPC selected by the District Science officers and the list may be submitted to the state office through the District Educational Officers.
• The DLEPCs should be completed as per the Annexure II.
• The assessment will be continued till all the entries get evaluated by the Jury members.
• The honorarium will be paid to the Jury members from the districts as per the state norms.
• Total number of entries for DLEPC in the state are 3448 and to conduct DLEPC offline/physical mode. Amount will be credited to the accounts of DEOs soon after release of funds from DST.
• State Level Exhibition and Project Competition(SLEPC) also will be in offline/ physical mode. The permission may be given to conduct SLEPC to CHITTOOR district in the state by the Commissioner of School Education. The process of selection of jury members for SLEPC and conduct of assessment is followed the same process as followed to DLEPC. The amount to conduct may be released to DEO of Chittoor dt. SLEPC dated may be given later.
• The DLEPC should be completed by as per Annexure II and SLEPC should be completed at later dates . The mentoring work shop may be conducted for the selected students of SLEPC for NLEPC will be in the month of February/March 2024 as NLEPC will be conducted in the month of March 2024 as per the guidelines from NIF.
• The concerned District Educational Officers of the districts where DLEPC/SLEPC will be conducted should submit the utilization certificate to the department.
INSPIRE AWARDS- MANAK Scheme 2022-23 District Level Inspire Science Exhibition Schedule DOWNLOAD
INSPIRE AWARDS- MANAK Scheme 2022-23 District Level Inspire Science Exhibition Schedule DOWNLOAD
AP ALL DISTRICTS List of Selected Students under the INSPIRE Award Scheme for the Year 2022-23