Village /Ward Secretariat Functionaries – Declaration of Probation as per their Service Rules -Instructions
Memo No: GWS01/431/2021-GWS Dated: 09/12/2021
Sub: GVWV & VSWS Department – Village /Ward Secretariat Functionaries – Declaration of Probation as per their Service Rules – Request to expedite the process and take necessary Action - Regarding.
Ref: 1. Memo No 137/D/2021, Dated: 29/09/2021 of the Special Chief Secretary to the Government, GVWV & VSWS Department
2. Representation from Andhra Pradesh Government Employees Federation, Dated: 01/12/2021
Vide reference 1st cited, the Government has issued instructions to the District Collectors & Regional Directors, Municipal Administration to declare the probation period of the Village/Ward Secretariat functionaries as per the Service Rules of the respective departments after duly seeking the approval from the respective line Departments HoDs.
Vide reference 2nd cited, the Andhra Pradesh Government
Employees Federation has submitted a representation saying that the probation declaration process is very slow at the districts and requested to complete the probation declaration process of the Village/ Ward Secretariat employees before 15-12-2021.
All the District Collectors & Regional Directors, Municipal Administration are requested to expedite the process of probation declaration to the eligible Village / Ward Secretariat employees and also requested to complete the above activity before 15-12-2021 duly seeking the approval from the respective line Department HoDs.