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Nishtha_ECCE_Course2_Eng_Planning a Play Based Learning Environment

1. What is the ideal time duration (in minutes) for a play activity ?

Answer – 15-20

2. Which play areas form the physical environment for facilitating learning for the children ?

Answer – Indoor and Outdoor

3. What is the other name for the reading area in an anganwadi ?

Answer – Language and Literacy Area

4. Which among the following is not considered while planning for anganwadi children around three developmental goals ?

Answer – Anganwadi worker centric activities should be given priority

5. Where should young children spend most of their time besides their home ?

Answer – Vibrant preschool / anganwadi

6. Which among the following are the most important components of preschool ?

Answer – Play and learning environment

7. Which among the following is not the gola of the foundational years of ECCE programme ?

Answer – Children maintain no developmental attitude toward teaching – learning process

8. Which among the following comes under indoor environment ?

Answer – Interest Areas

9. How many developmental goals must be addressed by the ECCE programme ?

Answer – 3

10. The anganwadi worker / preschool teacher must ensure that the outdoor space for the children must be :

Answer – Stimulating

11. Which among the following is not an appropriate guideline for planning learning experiences ?

Answer – Themes / projects that an Anganwadi worker find interesting irrespective of any consideration

12. Dolls and Dramatic Area facilitate children in :

Answer – Strengthening their memory

13. Which behavior among the following will not help children through a balance between group and individual activities ?

Answer – Fighting with Each other

14. What are the three main principles and practices that you could consider while planning for your children around three developmental goals ?

Answer – Learning Experiences, Context and Processes

15. The long-term plans progrmmme for ECE are generally developed for a ________academic calendar.

Answer – Yearly

16. Which is the correct statement for a well – designed physical setting of the anganwadi ?

Answer – The physical setting must be safe, secure, hygienic, comfortable, attractive and well- designed to help the anganwadi children to get engaged in play based activities and learn happily.

17. Why are child initiated activities important ?

Answer – To pursue activities of their choice

18. What is the maximum time that should be given to the children daily for free and guided outdoor play activities ?

Answer – 30 minutes

19. Which of the following is an example for assessing print awareness of children under foundational Literacy ?

Answer – Reading the cover of a storybook

20. Activities in the art area help children to exercise fine motor muscles of the fingers and the hands and also prepare them for _______

Answer – writing skills


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3Nishtha 4.0 ECCE Diksha Course (Module) 3 Quiz Answer KeyClick Here to View
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5Nishtha 4.0 ECCE Diksha Course (Module) 5 Quiz Answer KeyClick Here to View
6Nishtha 4.0 ECCE Diksha Course (Module) 6 Quiz Answer KeyClick Here to View


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